Let Me Sleep (The Nightmare Girl)

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every night, i love the way,

before i go to sleep

he keeps me safe and soothes my soul

to make sure i do not weep

i talk to my love, then i lay to rest

no fears, hates, or frustration

but do you know the pain of going to sleep so happy

and then waking up in devastation

nightmare come and nightmare go,

the nightmares are a coma

nightmares of him coming home to me

stenched with your aroma

walking in to our own room

married, are we not?

i dont wish to see you touching him,

can't you try better to not get caught?

now you're a waitress, and i'm in the restroom

i hear a kiss, but from who to whom?

no resistance, is all i heard.. and it puts me in a tomb

and then every week,

that dream that i'm dreading

that horrible dream

where you ruin my wedding

when you cry at the altar

and rub your face on my dress

stomping in your heels, screaming

how you miss his caress

in front of my family and the few friends i have

embarrassing me for some years from the past

pleading and whining, complaining and crying

talking about memories to him; reminding

him of all the times when he loved you..

and making him forget me; God, forsaking

making me cry instead of saying "i do"

and then you make him say it to you..

insomnia, i thought, 

would my only battle be

but you're causing me such insanity

  what i would give 

that for just one day

that every thought of you 

would just go away  

just one night,

that's all i need

because i'm so tired that i can barely read    

insomnia, i thought, 

would my only battle be

but you're causing me such insanity  

i just want you away from me

i'll beg with all of my desperation

its even worse to break a heart

in the state of deprivation

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