I Believe In You

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when will you be ready?

or are you ready now?

to see what you can do

to give me all of you

if you're not ready yet

then please, do not forget

before your mind is set

it will be a choice you wont regret

disregard what has happened prior

because you are all i desire

and to keepp you happy

is morst important to me

so let your guard back down

and sit with me on the ground

now let me hold your hand

now lets watch the birds land

now lets let time pass

now lets watch the wind blow the grass

now let me give you my heart as a prize

now lets watch the moon arise

hold me tight and i'll hold you too

hold on to my love, so true

you can do it, i believe in you

Speaking Without a Mouth (Poetry Collection)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin