Injuries (Betty x Cheryl x Veronica x reader)

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Request: Being on riverdales soccer team and being friends with Cheryl Veronica and Betty and then being there when you tear your ACL

It happened at the worst time possible.

The biggest match of the season, your friends in the stands which also just happened to have college recruiters there checking out potential candidates for their school's teams.

You had the ball, running straight towards the goal about to score when someone from the other teams defense line came out of nowhere sliding to get the ball from you.

You tripped over them and suddenly there was a shooting pain through your leg when you hit the ground, knee first.

You were rushed to the hospital.

After various x-rays and testing the doctor told you that your ACL was torn.

"Luckily it isn't at a point where surgery is required but you will need some pretty extensive physical therapy before you can return to the soccer field," he told you.

You returned home, leg casted up, beating yourself up for letting this happen.

Soon Cheryl, Betty and Veronica came by for a visit, flowers in hand ready for movie marathons and junk food to cheer you up.

"What if I can never play soccer again," you sighed sitting on your bed.

"Y/N, the doctor said you just need physical therapy, you'll be able to play again before you know it," Veronica exclaimed sitting next to you resting her hand on your good leg.

"But there were recruiters as this game, what if they come back next year and don't even bother watching me because of this."

It was Cheryl's turn to speak, "Y/N, you are the best player on the team and everyone knows it. This injury is just a set back but by the end of your therapy you will be like brand new and next year you will show those recruiters exactly why you deserve to be on any one of their teams."

"We will be there for you every step of the way, anytime you need one of us to go to therapy with you, we'll be there," Betty told you confidently.

"Thanks you guys," you said realizing this injury wasn't the end of the world like you first thought.

"Of course Y/N," Veronica smiled, "now, this junk food isn't going to eat itself, what movie are we watching first?"

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