''No, not really. I wish I could freeze the time at seventeen. Everything is moving so fast.'' I confided in him.

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me close to him.

''This year has been a tough one for us. You really feel like it went by too fast?'' He asked. The worry along with seriousness laced his voice and I knew he meant all the things that we went through to be together.

But that's not what I meant.

I mean it's apart of what I meant.

''What I meant is that there hasn't been nearly enough time to enjoy everything. And now it's all going to change.'' I voiced. His hand continued its soothing voyage through my hair.

''Baby, nothings changing. Your just becoming one year older, you're getting another year to experience new things.'' He tried to persuade me into looking at the good parts. But I only saw the bad ones.

''But that's not what I want, Addy. I want to stay here, in this moment with you forever. College without you is not a new experience I'm looking forward to.'' I tried not to yell, but I had a sure feeling that it came out louder than it needed to.

I heard him sigh, and his arms were wrapped around me once again. He pressed his lips to the top of my head.

''Look, Tommy, I remember when I felt how you're feeling right now. My father talked to me, you now, tried to make me understand that it's not the end of the world. He told me that life comes at you fast and then it all changes. And you'll be too young to understand what it means,'' Adam stopped talking for a minute and let out a low reminiscent laugh.

''And then you'll wish you had listened to your parents when they told you to take your time and dream. To take your time and breathe. And when I asked him how to make this worry I had about the world fading away to quickly go away, he looked at me, and he said love.''

The bell sounded. It was time for the last class of today.

''So what're you trying to say?'' I asked, leaning up and turning around to face him.

He leaned forward, letting his right hand gently caress my cheek. His football calloused hands, gentle on my smooth face.

''I'm saying breath, baby. I love you, and no matter how fast time goes by I'll always love you. Through anything, no matter what.'' He said.

''Even when I've gone crazy?'' I asked, looking shamefully at my healed but scarred wrists. He took my wrists in his hands, bringing them up to his lips so that he could place a kiss to each of them.

He looked me in my eyes, and I drowned myself in an ocean of blue.

''I'll love you through your insanity.'' He promised.

I smiled, leaning forward to kiss him. He met me half way enthusiastically, bruising his lips against mine. I gripped his neck in my hand, lightly letting my nails brush across his skin. I felt him shiver beneath my finger tips.

''Aye!'' We broke apart, seeing the football couch pointing at us. ''Get to class, before I have you running suicides!'' He said, continuing on into the school.

Adam laughed, looking over at me. I watched his eyes gaze lustfully at my lips. His eyes met mines once again and he smiled.

He grabbed his bag, and mines also, getting to his feet.

''Come on, let me take you home. I'll give you an early birthday gift, something to get your mind off of things.'' He said.

I smiled. ''Yeah, I bet.'' I said, getting to my feet as well, and following him off the school lot.


I stood by the foot of my bed, gripping the hem of my shirt and pulling it off. The coolness brushed against my exposed skin almost immediately.

His presence was behind me then and he placed his warm lips to the back of my shoulder. I rolled my shoulders, letting a satisfied sigh leave my lips.

''You're very sexy,'' I heard Adam say. I turned around to see him biting his lip.

He looked at me, his beautiful blue eyes sparkling. I reached forward, cupping his cheek with my hand and connecting my lips with his.

He breathe into my mouth, I laughed because his cool breath gave the bridge of my mouth a weird sensation. He picked me up, lying me down on my bed before climbing on top of me.

I gawked shamelessly as he stripped himself of his shirt right in my view. I stared at his broad toned shoulders. His alluring six pac.

I reached for him, gripping his shoulder and pulling him down to me in a haste. I heard a chuckle leave his lips and before I could connect our lips he was pulling back. He sat above me in a straddling position, staring with a goofy smirk.

''Can I take my clothes off?'' He asked teasingly. I rolled my eyes, not being able to prevent myself from smiling.

''If you must,'' I said nonchalantly, although my heart was beating in my chest.

He got off of me and to his feet, taking off his pants and briefs. I sat up, taking the rest of my clothes off and before I could look up he had tackled me onto the bed.

I laughed, punching his shoulder.

''You're not on the football fiel--.'' His lips covered my skin like silk, as he slowly caressed me in his hand.

My eyes shut in bliss. And soon his little tease became unbearable. I was gasping for air. I bit down on my  bottom lip, and I heard him tsk.

''You're going to bruise your lip.'' He chided. I rolled my eyes, fighting to keep my moans at bay.

''You're going to bruise my di--uaah. Fuck, Adam!'' He chuckled, as my moans floated in the air.

I reached, grabbing a handful of his hair and pulling it. A sexy groan left his lips, before they landed on mines. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him in closer to me.

Feeling his erection rub against mines was absolutely euphoric. I broke away from his lips burrowing my face into the crook of his neck, letting my nails have their way with his back.

The quick rhythm he had formed got us both there. And soon enough there was a sticky mess on both our chests.

A content and nearly exhausted sigh left my lips. Adam got up, heading towards my bathroom. He came back clean, wiping me down with a warm towel then tossing it in my clothes bin.

I scooted over as he climbed back into my bed with me, pulling the covers over us.

''Here's to the final memory you'll be adding to your seventeenth year, because when you open your eyes again, you'll be eighteen. I'll love you through your youth, Tommy. And I'll love you far beyond seventeen.''

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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