If You Only Knew

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Written by Glitterbaby2016


Tommy tossed and turned in his bed. Their bed. He sighed, and rolled over hugging the empty space that should be filled by Adam. He grabbed Adam's pillow and hugged it to his chest. It still smells like him. A tear rolled down his cheek as he hugged what remained of Adam tighter to himself.

The memories and flashbacks flashed through his mind, making more tears stream down his cheeks, onto his pillow.

It was 4:27 in the morning when Tommy awoke again. He sat up, and rubbed his eyes. He kept hearing a continuous dripping noise, coming from the bathroom. He groaned, and got out of bed in nothing but boxers. He rushed to the bathroom, getting more irritated with every drip. He scowled, and turned the tap off.

"Fucking sink." He said to himself.

He stood there for a minute, looking at himself in the mirror, rubbing his tired, bloodshot eyes, until a familiar scent filled the hallways of the house.

His heart skipped a beat as he dashed into the bedroom, the familiar scent stronger now, and as his blurred eyes focused into view, a tall figure, became clear.

Tommy didn't think twice before running into the tall man's arms. He balled the man's shirt into his fists, and lets the tears loose.

"Tommy, Babe, Shh." The angelic voice made his tears run down his cheeks faster.

"A-Adam... I--"

"Tommy, shh. It's okay." Tommy looked up into the eyes he's missed for too long.

Those gorgeous eyes ... Tommy pulled Adam into a hard, passionate kiss.

"Adam, I-I'm so fucking sorry. Please. Forgive me. I'll do anything." He said, more tears welling in his eyes.

Adam softly smiled, stroked Tommy's cheek and softly pecked him on the lips. "Tommy, hush. It's okay. I love you."

Tommy sniffed, and managed a small, sad smile. "If you only knew how many night's I've stayed up... wishing I'd hear you say that to me again." He said, resting his head on Adam's chest.

Adam stroked Tommy's hair, slowly walking towards the bed. He set Tommy on the bed, and kneeled on the floor in front of him. He cupped Tommy's faced with both hands, and kissed him.

"Tommy, I love you. I'm going anywhere. Never again, I swear."

"Never ..." Tommy echoed. He grabbed the black-haired man's collar, and kissed him. Hard. "Never again."

It's 4:03, and I can't sleep

Without you next to me, I toss and turn like the sea

If I drown tonight, bring me back to life

Breathe your breath into me

The only thing that I still believe in is you

Believe in is you, I still believe in you, oh

If you only knew, If you only knew

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