Adam and Tommy (Romeo and Juliet)

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Written by Glitterbaby2016


-Adam's POV-

Adam sighed, twirling the red rose in his fingers. Through his locked door, he could barely hear the angered shouts of his parents. They were probably wondering what the hell they were going to do with their gay son.

He had half a mind to just run away, but that would mean he'd never see Tommy again. He smiled at the thought of the teenager, and snuggled up against his pillow. "Babyboy," he softly mumbled, "I miss you so much..." A lone tear fell on the window sill, and he curled up into a ball. Adam whimpered softly and closed his eyes...

After what seemed like an eternity, light blue eyes opened, and Adam winced as the sunlight hit the stained glass windows. Wait.... Stained glass windows?!

"Where the hell am I?" he muttered, looking around. He seemed to be at some dance hall, with people in ball gowns and suits surrounding him, slow dancing to some song. "Not where... WHAT am I doing here?"

"You okay?"

Adam turned around, and nearly stopped breathing. A teenage boy sat next to him, worry obvious in his brown eyes. The boy tucked his blonde hair behind his ear, studying Adam intently. The only word that would come out was a shocked "Tommy?!"

Tommy tilted his head to the side. "Hey baby." He smiled and kissed Adam on the cheek. "You okay?"

Adam gulped. He quickly shook his head, smiling, practically forcing himself not to grab Tommy and ravish him right there. He bit his lip and looked down. "Hey love...what am I doing here?"

Tommy laughed. "You really don't remember? You asked me to go to the dance with you, but you passed out a few minutes ago. You sick? You need a doctor? What's wrong?" He grabbed his boyfriend's shoulders and shook him. "What's wrong?! Are you ok or not?!"

---Two Months Later---

"M-mom? I need to tell you something."

The woman turned around and looked at her son. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

Adam looked down, too scared to say something. It was, after all, a well known fact that the Lamberts and Ratliffs were enemies. Not to mention that both of their parents hated gays. "I... I... I..."

"Adam, don't worry." Tommy appeared next to Adam, obviously as scared as his boyfriend. "It'll be okay, you'll see!"

Adam's mom glared at Tommy. "Adam sweetie... Why is Tommy Joe Ratliff here?!"

Tommy gulped and hid behind his baby boy. Light blue and brown eyes met, and Adam took a deep breath. "Mom... Me and Tommy... We're dating... And we're in love."

He didn't remember much that happened after that. He remembered being punched, hitting the floor, and being kicked. And when he woke up a few hours later... Tommy was gone.

---Three Weeks Later---

Tommy sat on the cold branch, curled up into a ball. Pretty much the whole town had 'disowned' him after they found out a Ratliff and a Lambert were in love. It didn't help much that they were guys. He pulled his small blanket over his shaking body, and started to cry.


That voice... Why was it so familiar? He looked up, and his heart stopped for a fraction of a second. "Adam?!"

"Hey baby boy..." The blue eyed teenager smiled and sat down next to Tommy. Two seconds later, he was on the floor, being squeezed by Tommy, the blonde's lips pressed against his own. He smiled, and pulled Tommy's body against him.

They kissed for a few minutes before Adam pulled away, gently stroking the boy's cheek. "God... I missed you so much... You have no clue..."

Tommy whimpered, his eyes closing. "I... I missed you too... I-I thought I'd never see you again baby!"

Adam smiled, wiping the blonde's tears away. "I know babe, I know. I... I just have something to ask you."

"What's that?"

Adam knelt on one leg, pulling out a small box out of his pocket. "I... I... Tommy, you know I love you, and I know you love me too. And I don't give a damn that no one in this town wants us together. Hell, I don't care if no one on this whole planet wants us together. I'm in love with you, Tommy Joe Ratliff! I... I always will love you, and I want us to spend the rest of our lives together. Babyboy... will you marry me?" He pulled a ring out of the box, and looked up at Tommy.

Tommy's heart melted, and the next thing he knew, he was in his fiancé's arms, sobbing in his chest. He nodded weakly. "I... I love you too A-a-a-adam!"

Adam smiled, slipped the ring onto the boy's finger, and leaned down to kiss him. And then everything turned to black.

In the present, Adam lifted his head and wiped his eyes. "What kinda dream was that?"

"What dream?" Warm arms wrapped around his waist and he looked up.

"Tommy?! What are you doing here?"

"Your parents went out and I sneaked in. That doesn't matter though. Run away with me babyboy? I wanna spend the rest of my life with you!" Tommy nudged Adam's arm.

"You should know the answer to that already!" He hugged Tommy back, somehow unable to not smile.

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