Love Wins Over Glamour

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Written by Glitterbaby2016

-Adam's POV-

I did nothing. Again, I did absolutely nothing about what he did. I gave into the pain and simply cried away my wantings to yell 'stop.'

He kissed my neck softly, right on the large bruise he made a few minutes ago. I winced at it and didn't look him in the eyes. I couldn't look him in the eyes. Sauli has been doing this since I said yes to being his fiancee.

The silver band I wore glinted in the moonlight, and it felt heavy on my hand, which sprawled across the bedsheets. Another tear rolled down my cheek, and his lips found it. He stopped short, thankfully, so did his thrusting.

I felt my breath grow shaky with fear of what he'd do. He sat up and I again looked to the side, not making eye contact. He grabbed my chin and pulled it, forcing my grey- blue eyes to meet his dark, stormy grey ones, which was almost black with rage. He raised his hand, and slapped me on the cheek, hard, and I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head as weakness gave into my consiousness.

-Tommy's POV-

The doorbell rang and I smiled. It's been a while since Adam visited since he moved out to live with Sauli. I was surprisingly happy for him.

Everyone was wondering whether if I was jealous of Adam's relationship, but of course I wasn't. I had my suspitions, however. Ever since Sauli dropped to one knee, Adam's had strange markings on areas of his body. His arms and legs bruised, an occasional red mark on his back, and once he had a black eye! He would walk funny, stiff and hiding all emotion.

I sighed as I opened the door, and as predicted, Adam stood there. I was puzzled.

It was 84 degrees outside, in the middle of summer, and he wore a long sleved, bulky hoodie, black jeans, a scarf, and his hair wasn't up anymore, it was long and flowing, covering half his face.

He smiled weakly and I dropped my jaw, blinking several times at his state, as I noticed how pale he'd gotten.

"A-Adam?..." I stuttered. He looked to the side and back at me, the same smile on his face. His eyes were grey with sadness, and surrounded by makeup that smudged beyond normal. I reached for his arm and pulled him softly inside.

"Hey, Tommy. How's everything going?" He greeted warmly, then paused, and looked at me with a wider smile.

"Tell me those french toast sticks are for me, too." He playfully remarked and walked into the kitchen, sort of limping and was leaned at a strange angle. I looked at him walk away and started suspecting Sauli again. His head poked from the inside of the kitchen.

"Aren't you coming? It's only YOUR house!" He chuckled and I followed him in. Shaking my head as I ridded the thoughts I was thinking.

I quickly shuffled over to the stove and turned over the french toast sticks I always cooked with Adam when I got up earlier than him...which wasn't often back then.

I heard him click on the tv that I had in the kitchen and turned to Water For Elephants. It was about half way through. I always cried during that movie. I had to cry. It was sickening that August would do such a thing to Rosie. My favorite part was when he found out the reason Rosie seemed unteachable for an elephant, was because of the fact that she was trained by a polish trainer. I had the book on my bedside table. It was bent from use and was read thousands of times.

I sighed and made Adam a plate, setting it down, then heading for the fridge and grabbing the U-Bet syrup, milk and seltzer, making him a chocolate egg-cream.

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