Ten Minutes

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Written By: Glitterbaby2016

*Adam's P.O.V.*

  I woke up for the third time that night to the sound of something hitting the wall right above my head. The sound was coming from the room next door, AKA; Tommy's room.

The sound came again and I groaned in frustration. Pushing off the warm blankets I got out of bed and found my way to my door. "Whatever the hell he's doing, this better be worth it." I muttered to myself.

I left my room and knocked on Tommy's door. For a minute he was so quiet I wondered if he had fallen asleep in the two seconds it had taken for me to leave my room and get to his. Then the door slowly opened and Tommy peered out, blonde hair sticking all over the place. "Yeeah?"

"Tommy, what the hell are you doing over here? You're keeping me awake." I might have sounded annoyed had I not been so bloody tired. Plus this is Tommy we're talking about; he's so damn adorable he's impossible to be mad at for long.

"Sorry. I'm bored. Wanna come in?" Now I could tell why he was still up.

"Are you drunk?"

He gave a cheesy, embarrassed smile. "Little bit."

I shook my head with a sigh. "God Tommy, you're drunk at two A.M. and you wonder why you're tired all the time."

As if to prove my point he yawned widely, shaking his head. "I don't want to go to sleep." He said through the yawn, then closed his mouth, teeth clicking forcefully. "Sleep is for pussies."

Even though I was exhausted, he made me smile. He sounded like a stubborn two year old arguing with his mother. "Sleep is for sane people. Right now I need sleep."

He frowned. "Well at least come in. I never get to talk to you anymore. With the tour 'n all."

"Can't we talk tomorrow? After sleep?"

"Oh come on." Tommy made a pathetic kicked-puppy expression. "Please? Ten minutes then whiny Adam can sleep." He tried to keep his pleading expression but a smile broke through.

I sighed. "Okay, fine."

Jumping happily he let me in then shut the door, going to flop out on the bed with his beer while I sat on the foot of the bed struggling to stay awake.

"Ooh, check this out!" He grabbed a small white remote off the bedside table and pushed one of the buttons, making the lights on the ceiling fan turn off then turned them on again. "That's so cool!"

"Tommy, exactly how drunk are you?" I asked. Of all things he was fascinated by a ceiling fan. Slightly concerning.

"Drunk enough." Was his only answer before he bounded off the bed to show me some other cool thing he'd found.

Ten minutes he'd said.

Ten minutes my ass.

That was almost two hours ago. At least he'd finally ran out of beer.

And he was finally getting tired! After two hours of seemingly endless energy he had started to settle down. Only thing is, I knew when he started to get calm, he usually got emotional. More than once I'd had to pry him off my arm after he had cried himself to sleep on my couch.

Tommy wrapped his arms around my neck from behind. "Adam, can I have a hug?" Sober, he was straight. Drunk? He was borderline gay.

"Alright. Come here." I muttered tiredly. He crawled into my lap and basically strangled me with a hug.

Tommy settled comfortably in my lap then refused to move. "No, I'm staying here." He mumbled when I tried to get him to move. He had curled up against my chest, head tucked under my chin, content to go to sleep.

"Well I can't sit here all night you know. I need to sleep too." 

"Ten minutes?" He murmured sleepily, snuggling against me. He felt cold.

"Ten minutes my ass."  

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