Book 4|10. Mating Threesome

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Chapter dedicated to AnkhGoddess. You are super, special, and fabulous for reading, voting and commenting! Your instincts are sharp and you pick up on quite a bit. You keep me on my toes. LOL. Also, your writing is lovely to read! Much love, my friend.

Chapter 152 - Mating Threesome - Raine's POV

I finally felt whole again. Cage's strong arms were banded around me as I slept on his chest. We had taken short breaks in between our love making and another shower somewhere in there, but for majority of the time, his body had been firmly buried in mine. Even now. I didn't want to break our physical connection, ever. After our last frenzied session, I had been too tired and too comfortable to even move, so we fell asleep with him still inside of me. It was more than lust or even love. A deep peace settled in my bones at the very rightness of it. This was where he belonged, always.

I had shared almost everything with him about our time apart, certainly difficult details of my physical and emotional attachment to Marku. Those revelations hadn't been easy to say, but I wouldn't ever keep something as important as that a secret from him. He hadn't been thrilled, but I thought he'd understood.

There was one thing I hadn't told Cage—his baby was dead.  I wanted to. I was desperate for him to know; for us to begin to heal together, but I just couldn't.  Not yet.  The time was coming, soon, when he would have to grieve. He would be faced with the same crippling sorrow and heartache I was.  But we still had a fight ahead of us. Today, we were going to find Acheron and as soon as we did, Cage would once again be put in harms way.   Memories of the last fateful battle ran through my mind, crushing me.  Cage had been at full strength then, but we still lost and he had died.  It didn't matter how much I wanted him to know because there was no way I was going to take any chances with his life.  There was no way I was going to diminish his mental or emotional  strength  and fortitude even by an ounce right before stepping onto the battlefield.  I intimately understood the gut-wrenching damage that information would inflict on him.  Eventually, it couldn't be avoided but it could wait for a single day.  Until then, I would protect him at all costs and bear the burden alone.

He stirred beneath me. I felt his lips press gently on my head. His voice was thick with sleep as he whispered, "Dulce."

I snuggled closer.

The buzz of my cell phone interrupted our quiet time. But I knew it would. Brialle had said they would call an hour before we were scheduled to leave. Felaern needed to spend time with Cage, to discern where Lady Sofielle was being held, and to formulate a plan of attack to free her.

I whispered, "It's time."

He nodded, an equal expression of reluctance in his eyes, as I lifted off of him.
After showering and changing, we made our way to a conference room where the rest of our group waited. I tugged on Cage's hand, pulling him toward the couch where Talon sat.  Cleanly shaven once again, Talon stood and embraced me, his body relaxing at our touch.  When I pulled back, Cage also gathered him in a warm embrace.  Talon had grown so much since I freed him from Seraphine, but he wasn't ready to be strong on his own, and it was clear these last two months without me had been hell for him. He still needed me close. Just as I needed him close. Outside of Cage, no one was more important to me than Talon.

Expression grim and calculating, Felaern lifted from his seat next to Brialle and joined us on the couch, sitting on the other side of Cage. Cage didn't flinch when Felaern pressed both of his hands to Cage's temples, feeling for the bond Lady Sofielle had planted in him, the roadmap that would lead us to her location.  Complete silence reined while we waited. Felaern's eyes closed and his head dropped as he held tightly and listened. After several minutes, he released Cage.

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