New Americana

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''But he doesn't own you, you know that right? You shouldn't have to be this way just because he chose you.'' Jett sneered.

''I've always been this was, with Blu I'll always be this way.'' I told him quietly, through gritted teeth. A throat was cleared and both our heads shot up to see Adam glaring angrily at Jett. I told him to move. A small sigh left my lips.

Adams hand gripped at the front of his shirt, pulling him to his feet. He said something that I couldn't quite hear. All I heard clearly was the familiar word 'mine' leave his lips before he roughly pushed Jett back causing the boy to tumble over.

He reached his hand out for me. I placed my hand in his quickly, no hesitation at all.


''Survival of the richest baby! This city's ours until the fall!'' Spencer screamed from beside us on his bike.

My arms wrapped tighter around Adam's waist as he sped up on his bike. I heard a low chuckle leave his lips. We flew down the bridge, making it to the intersection.

His bike stopped suddenly once we hit a back street, the two bikes beside us stopping in unison. He hit the kick stand and climbed off, offering his hand out to me, I took it, swinging my leg over the bike and getting to my feet.

Without the loss of a second his body was pressed to mine, his hands gripping my hips fiercely. One left, and I felt his finger tap my chin lightly before I brought my gaze up to him.

''You're busy today.'' I stated. It was obvious. It always was.

''You're still bitter about it,'' He stated as well, bringing his finger to my lips before I could speak. ''To which you have every right to be.''

''I'm not, it's what you do.''

''And what I do?''

''It keeps me from you.'' I said. He smiled.

The emeralds of his eyes began to shine again. I heard something. Turning my head slightly I saw Jett looking just about ready to kill someone, disgust showing all over his pale toned face.

Inwardly I felt a wince.

It was brushed away when Adam's hands enveloped my cheeks, he leaned forward and brought his lips to my ear. ''Vile romance, turned dreams into an empire.'' He whispers, his lips landing just below my ear drawing a shudder from me.

His thumb brushed over my jaw and I felt his lips all over my face before they were on mine. And the words didn't leave his lips, but I felt the dominance as his gentle commanding lips grazed mine.

I let him in. I felt him everywhere.

My hands crawled into his hair. Pulling, gently at first, but then rougher. It was a plea from me to him, begging him not to make me become all undone right here, right now.

His tongue found mine, and that's where it all began that summer. He melodized with mine at first. But then we fell into an indescribable sync. We were damn near creating a symphony when I pulled my lips away from his, gasping for air as I tucked my blushing face into his toned chest.

I felt his chest vibrate as a low chuckle left his lips. His finger traced my cheekbone, until it hooked beneath my chin. I looked into that ocean of blue emeralds. At first he was leaning down towards me. At first his lips were going to meet mine in a final kiss.

But then Jett spoke.

Adam's hand fell from my face before it balled into a fist. I gripped his arm tightly. ''I don't care, look at me Adam I said I don't care, just forget it.'' I pleaded. I could plead all day and beg on my knees but it wouldn't work. Rule #1- What's for Adam, is for Adam.

Clear and simple.

And if it wasn't made clear by the large 'mine' embedded on the back of the leather jacket that stayed on my back at all times, he made it known.

''Go home,'' The words left Spence's lips before Adam had reached Jett.

''Now!'' Spence ordered, making the brunette speed off on his bike. An aggravated growl left Adams lips as he turned to face Spence, who had gotten off of his bike and walked up to Adam.

''Do you know who--''

''Do you?'' Spence asked cutting him off before he could speak. Heatedly they stared at each other. ''I know who we were, who we are now.'' He said, his boldness not wavering from the angry look going through Adam's cold eyes at the moment. He was unfazed.

''We are the New Americana. We know very well who we are, so hold it down Blu.'' Spence said. The silence just settled itself over the moment. The double meaning in Spencer's words was more than clear, but I doubt he had a worry of me seeing through it.

''Cigarettes,'' Adam mumbled the saying they had, the cold look leaving his face completely as he fought down a smile that tried to reach his features.

''And tiny liquor bottles.'' Spence finished for him, beaming from ear to ear as he tackled the raven haired one in a tight hug.


Heated pampered kiss fell in uneven patterns all over my chest. Just as my hands gripped his broad shoulders, my back hit the soft bed.

''Adam,'' The word left my lips lowly as he hovered above me. My hand traveled across his flushed cheeks as he stared down at me.

The first time I've seen him blush. A smile grazed his lips, he must've known what I was thinking. He shook his head, leaning down to rid my mind of everything but him.

That's what started everything that summer. When we made our melody into a sonata.

We are the new Americana/ High on legal marijuana/ Raised on Biggie and Nirvana/ We are the new Americana.

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