N o t a s P r e t t y a s H i m by addictedtochocolates

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N o t a s P r e t t y a s H i m by addictedtochocolates

TV » iCarly
Rated: K
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 460
Published: Oct 15, 2011

(I've seen many beautiful things-)

You sit at the table beside Carly and Freddie, and somehow, you can't stop yourself from looking at the brunette in the black shirt sitting beside you as you guys talk.

You laugh at the story of his mother losing twenty grand on a chicken and a rooster and how she couldn't get them to make babies. (But seriously, twenty grand? That could get you two thousand whole hams and still have more money for bacon!)

But mostly you're just looking at him and wondering why you guys broke up in the first place.

Then Carly makes a 'b'doink' sound, which means that there's a cute guy in that secret language you guys share. (and you realize that you and him don't have a secret language. You guys just finish each others sentences.)

And as you ask Carly which guy it is, you can't help but feel a sense of pride and a little bit of bittersweet joy as Freddie glances at you before sighing, showing a slightly bored and annoyed face. (and you can't help but wish it was because he's lost your attention.)

And as you nudge and get Carls to go get that guy, (who you don't really notice because you really only have eyes for one person, and he's sitting beside you.) you take her seat and smile wryly as you see him unconsciously move towards you.

Carls and the hunk she has her eyes on come over, and as he speaks in a foreign accent, you and Freddie raise an eyebrow each. And you look at him and there's this silent agreement between the two of you, that you're going to make fun of Carls as soon as the guy goes away.

And you do.

"What'd he say?" You ask, amusedly as you look at him. (and it's true that you have no idea, because you didn't really bother listening. Too busy looking at h i m.)

"I don't know." Freddie smiles at you and you struggle to act as if the butterflies in your stomach haven't just decided to do an impromptu performance.

"Shut up, he's pretty."

(-but none quite as beautiful as you.)

Disclaimer: This is a collection of Seddie oneshots from FanFiction. I do not own anything, all rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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