24 Hours by Gabsikle

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Chapter 24: End


12:00 AM

"How goes it?" Sam said when she and Freddie walked back in. They were soaking wet and covered in mud.

"You two have fun?" Carly asked with a smirk.

Sam shrugged. "It was okay."

"Excuse me?" Freddie frowned. "You sure didn't act like it was just okay."

Sam punched his shoulder. "Can I take a quick shower to get all the mud off?"

Gibby nodded. "You can use the one in the master bedroom. Um. There are some clothes in the drawers. Shirts and pajama pants."

Sam nodded and went to go shower.

"Is there another one I can use?" Freddie asked.

"Yeah. Down the hall."

When Freddie was gone, Carly and Gibby started laughing.

"Freddie's mom is gonna kill him when she sees all those hickeys," Carly said.

"Sam had a lot too," Gibby added.

Carly was smiling. She was happy her friends were finally together.

"Wanna clean up the mud on the floor?" Carly asked Gibby.

He nodded.

Once they were finished, Sam came into the living room. She was wearing some flannel pajama pants and...

"Is that the black button down Freddie wore to the club?" Carly asked.

"Yup," Sam said. "It was there, it looked comfortable, and I put it on. No big deal."


Freddie came in. He was wearing the shirt and jeans he had worn to the club since his clothes from earlier were soaked.

"I put my clothes - and Sam's - into some plastic bags I found. Is that my shirt?"

"Jesus. Why is everyone going on about the shirt?" Sam said. "I only put it on because it looked comfortable."

"And is it?" Freddie asked.

"Don't push your luck, boy."

"Okay. We gotta get going," Carly said.

"I'll drive," Freddie told Gibby.

They gathered all their things and ran to the car.


"Carly and Gibby are asleep," Sam said. "We've only been driving for five minutes."

Freddie chuckled. "They were tired." He didn't say anything for a moment, but felt Sam's eyes on him. "You wanna talk?" he finally asked.

"Do you?"

Freddie sighed. "Well, what are we gonna do next?"

"It depends."

"On what?"

"On what you want to do."

"Is Sam Puckett afraid to voice her opinion?"

"Shut up, Fredstein. Nothing like this has happened to me before."

"Making out with a guy?"

Sam punched him. "No. I just never experienced something so... passionate." She had mumbled the last part.

Freddie smirked cockily. "Oh? It was passionate?"

Sam rolled her eyes. "Don't get all full of yourself."

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