How I Killed Your Mother by luna moody

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How I Killed Your Mother by luna moody

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Humor
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,084
Published: Sep 24, 2011


Carly and Sam had been pacing the emergency waiting room, hoping for someone to slip up and tell them what was going on. It had been an hour since they had rushed in with Mrs. Benson, and the waiting was getting on their last nerves. There was a whoosh of the doors as Freddie rushed in.

Carly was the first to see him. "There he is!"

"Finally!" Sam sighed as she ran up to tackle him in a hug.

Freddie let go of her quickly, anxious to get to the urgent matter. "What's going on? How is my mom?"

"They rushed her in there," Carly said pointing to the emergency room double doors. "They won't tell us anything, though, because we're not family."

Sam stomped over and started banging on the counter to get the attention of the middle aged pudgy nurse sitting there. "Hey! We've been waiting here for an hour. Nobody cares that your 14 cats can meow to the tune of Jungle Boogey, and your social status will always say lonely and desperate, so why don't you log off already and tell us what's going on?"

The nurse sighed and reluctantly tore her eyes from the screen to talk to them. "Look. I already told you. We can't give you any information unless you're family."

"I know, but this hot little corn muffin right here..." Sam aggressively pulls Freddie over in front of the counter with her, "He's her son."

The nurse skeptically eyed him up and down. "Mmm Hmm. Now look, I was kind of in the middle of something here, so if you don't mind..."

"She's telling the truth," Freddie confessed. He pulled out his drivers permit and a picture of him and his mom in matching tacky sweaters. It was the same picture that had been used, much to Freddie's embarassment, on last year's Christmas cards.

The nurse sighed and started clicking keys on her computer. "Here she is, Marissa Benson. Came in with chest pain and shortness of breath." The nurse scanned the screen then shook her head in sadness. "Now. That is a tragedy."

Carly clamped her hand over her mouth. "Oh, my God she's...dead?"

"What?" The nurse brought her attention back to them. "Oh, no. My neighbor just posted that Sky Perk is discontinuing the Mocha Chocolata Ya-Ya frozen coffee next week."

Sam snatched the keyboard from the desk and swung the screen around. The nurse yelled and tried to grab it back, but Freddie was urgently vying for her attention. "Hey! Hey, excuse me! What about my mom?"

The nurse was still trying to grab the keyboard back, but Sam was holding it out of reach while typing with one hand. "Oh. Well, that's all the information I have. You'll have to wait for the doctor to find out more. Give me that!"

"Well, when can we see the doctor?" Carly interrupted

"Fine," the nurse groaned, finally sitting back in her chair. "I'll let them know that you're here." She picked up the phone and called back to the ER.

Carly looked over and saw the look on Freddie's face. "Don't worry," she soothed as she rubbed his shoulder. "I'm sure everything will be fine."

The nurse thanked whoever was on the other end then hung up the receiver. "The on duty nurse will let the doctor know you're here. He'll be out as soon as he can. "

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