Seddie Oneshots: 524 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,248
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"I don't know...I'm still on the fence with this one," Freddie said thoughtfully, staring at a sofa in a large furniture store. "It has a nice color but the texture sort of gets me...And it seems a little bulky. Maybe we should try and find something smaller...what do you think Sam? Sam? Sam!"

He turned around to see his fiancé fast asleep in a reclining chair on display nearby.

"Sam!" he hissed, shaking her shoulder gently to wake her up. "You're supposed to be helping me find a couch for the new apartment!"

"Huh? Oh...get that one," Sam yawned, pointing in a random direction.

"Sam, that's a table," Freddie said rolling his eyes. "We're not going to sit on a table in the middle of our new living room."

"Come on, why do we need a new sofa?" Sam moaned. "The one in your apartment now is fine!"

"It can't come with us when we move into the new place!" Freddie said. "I'm renting my apartment furnished. The couch has to stay."

"Well why can't our new place be furnished?" Sam asked.

"You know, must couples would enjoy picking out stuff for their first place together," Freddie said.

"Not when you spend six hours in this place," Sam defended. "I mean jeez, Fredwad, we're gonna lose the whole day by being in here. Can we just call it quits for today? My feet hurt and I'm hungry and I'm bored already! We've shopped enough."

"Sam, we've been in this store for twenty minutes."

"What?" Sam exclaimed "Only twenty minutes? Oh for the love of ham, kill me now!"

"Baby, we want this place to be all ready for us to move in to after the wedding," Freddie said calmly. "Well in case you've forgotten, the wedding's in three weeks. Which means we have three weeks to pick out all the furniture before then."

"Well pick stuff out without me," Sam said. "I trust your taste."

"Really?" Freddie said crossing his arms as he raised an eyebrow. "You'll be okay with whatever stuff I pick out for the place?"

"Yes, now let me get back to sleep," Sam said, closing her eyes again.

"Alright," Freddie shrugged. "Well I'm gonna go look at some drapes. Whoa, is that a Galaxy Wars pattern I see? Oh, those will look perfect in the bedroom."

"Fine! You win!" Sam snapped as she got to her feet.

"Thank you," Freddie said, satisfied as he gave her a quick kiss. "Now then, back to the couch dilemma...I think a two seater is too small but something with more seats might take up too much space. Now the way I see it, we have a few options. We get the two seater and then invest in a few armchairs, or we can get a bigger sofa but keep it up against a wall so it doesn't take up too much room in the-"

"Hey! Look at that couch!" Sam said, cutting him off as she hurried over to a large leather sofa.

Freddie frowned as he looked at it. It was perhaps the most hideous thing he had ever seen.

"Sam, you cannot be serious," Freddie said, shaking his head. "I mean...that is just ugly."

"It has vibrating seats!" Sam said excitedly. "Footrests for every seat, and look at this...there's a built in cooler for you to put snacks in!"

"Sam, this thing looks like it belongs in a junkyard," Freddie said. "We can't put it in the middle of our living room!"

Sam narrowed her eyes. "What's wrong with this couch?"

"It-It's unsightly!"

"It's the best couch ever created!"

"Sam, it looks like it will fall apart in days," Freddie said. "It's totally overpriced and it's something a couple of teenagers would have. Not something two grown adults would buy!"

"I like it," Sam said simply. "It's cool."
"Baby, we're not going for 'cool'," Freddie said.

"Well, clearly you're not."

"We're going for practicality and durability and presentation," Freddie said.

"But every other sofa in here is so plain," Sam said.

"Oh come on," Freddie said. "Look at that nice white one over there? Or that tan one. Now don't those look nicer?"


"Sam, this's a piece of garbage," Freddie said. "It would be humiliating if people saw us with it."

Sam looked down at her feet. "Fine," she sighed.

"I mean it's so-wait, fine?"

"Yeah," Sam mumbled. "I-I guess you're right. It's stupid. Just-Just like my opinion clearly is to you."

Freddie frowned. "What? Sam, of course your opinion isn't stupid to me!"

"It's okay," Sam said heavily. "I mean, that's how our relationship has always been, hasn't it? I'm the one who makes dumb decisions and always rushes into things that wind up not working out. I guess...I guess it's a good think I'm marrying you. You know, since I can't pick anything out for myself or do anything."

Freddie instantly felt a surge of guilt rippling through him.

"I guess we'll just get the couch that you want," Sam said sadly. "Hey, that tan one looks...nice."

"Sam, baby, you know this isn't about me thinking your opinion is stupid," Freddie said. "It's just, that-that couch-"

"Don't worry," Sam said, giving him a small smile. "We'll start our married life on a couch that you decide is good enough."

"Well, that-that's not what I want," Freddie said. "But-But do we really want to buy a couch just because it vibrates or has a cooler attached to it?"

"Maybe I'll just pick out something less...important," Sam said quietly. "Maybe placemats? I saw some cool red ones. Unless...well, I guess I should check with you to see if they're stupid or not, right? I mean, what do I know?"

Freddie sighed. "Sam, your opinion is not stupid. You pick out great stuff!"

"That's nice of you to say," Sam said, squeezing his hand gently. "But you don't have to lie."
"I'm not lying!" Freddie said. He looked back at the ugly couch, resisting the urge to cringe. "In-In fact...let's get this couch."

"No, no, we don't have to-"

"No, I want to," Freddie said, sitting down on the display. "Wow, this is comfy."

"Baby, I get what you're trying to-"

"I don't think I gave this couch a fair chance, that's all," Freddie said. "You know, I really believe it would be a great addition to our home. Good eye, Sam."

"You-You really want to get this couch?" Sam asked softly.

"Yes," Freddie said, getting to his feet and wrapping an arm around her. "I think it's perfect."

"Great!" Sam said, instantly perking back up. She gave him a kiss. "Glad you think so. Let me just go find a guy so it can be delivered as soon as possible!"

"Wait...Sam, did you-" Freddie started, but Sam had run off.

"I think I just got played..." Freddie mumbled, shaking his head.

Disclaimer: This is a collection of Seddie oneshots from FanFiction. I do not own anything, all rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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