iWant The Truth by alexlovesgerard93

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iWant the Truth by alexlovesgerard93

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Humor
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 624
Published: Jul 26, 2008


"In 5, 4, 3, 2-!" Freddie points at the girls, letting them know they're on the air.

"Hello, dorks and dorkettes!" Sam exclaims, grinning.

"Don't call the audience dorks and dorkettes!" Carly says, playfully rolling her eyes at her best friend.

"Okay. Hi, people." Sam says dully.

Carly laughs. "I'm Carly!"

"I'm Sam!"

"And you're watching iCarly!" They say together.

"Today, Carly has a surprise for you viewers. Even dork boy behind the camera and I don't know what it is." Sam tells the camera.

Carly lightly slaps Sam. Sam clears her throat. "Dork boy's real name is Freddie." She explains.

Carly rolls her eyes and continues. "I have a special surprise for you, Sam! And you, Freddie! So set that camera down and come here." Freddie arches an eyebrow at Carly, but obeys, setting the camera down and walking in front of it to stand next to Sam.

Carly approaches the camera. "Sam, Freddie, leave the room a second. DON'T listen to me." She tells them.

Sam looks confused and doesn't move. Freddie exits the room. "Sam, leave! Don't listen to me!" Carly exclaims.

Sam's jaw drops. "You just said not to listen." She explains.

Carly sighs. "Leave woman!" she yells. Sam jumps. "Okay!" she replies and leaves the room.

Carly turns to the camera. "Okay, viewers, I'm trying to make Freddie and Sam admit their true feelings for one another. I'm going to lie to them. You'll see. Come back in you guys!" Freddie and Sam enter the room again, in utter confusion.

Carly clears her throat. "Sam, I want you to leave the show." She tells her best friend. Freddie and Sam are shocked. "What?" Sam asks, her voice shaky.

"You can't make Sam leave! She's important to this show!" Freddie exclaims, jumping to Sam's defense. Carly hides a smile.

"She has to, Freddie. She always argues with you. She is a nuisance." Carly says, trying her best to sound cold. Sam looks hurt. "Okay, I'll leave." She says, looking down.

Freddie gets on his knees and hugs Sam's legs. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOO! I DON'T WANT HER TO LEAVE! NO SAM!" He cries out. Sam stares at him.

"Freddie, not while on air." She says softly. She tries to kick him off, but his hold on her tightens. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Freddie jumps up. "You can't make Sam leave, Carly!" He shouts. Carly was surprised. She didn't think it'd be that easy.

"Why not?" She asks. Freddie grabs Sam's hand. "BECAUSE I LOVE HER!" He shouts. Sam looks at Freddie. "I thought you liked Carly." She says quietly. Freddie shakes his head. "That was a cover." He explains.

He kisses Sam quickly and pulls back. "If Sam leaves, I leave too, Carly." Freddie tells Carly. Sam smiles, tightening her grip on Freddie's hand. Carly bursts into laughter.

"That won't be necessary, cause you just told the truth on our new segment called, 'iWant the Truth'!" Carly exclaims. Sam and Freddie look at each other.

"We've been tricked." Sam tells Freddie. Freddie nods. "Come here, Carly." Sam says. Carly runs out of the room and Sam chases after her. Freddie turns to the camera.

"We are experiencing some technical difficulties. Echh. Echh. Stop reading, go on! LEAVE! TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES HERE PEOPLE!"

Disclaimer: This is a collection of Seddie oneshots from FanFiction. I do not own anything, all rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

Serendipity (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora