I Just Miss You, Okay? by harryafterdark

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I Just Miss You, Okay? by harryafterdark

TV: iCarly & Sam & Cat
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Humor
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 1,622
Published: Aug 30, 2013


Sam dreaded doing this, but she knew it had to be done. No matter how hard she wished she understood technology, it all just looked like random numbers and letters to her. She didn't know which websites to use, or what codes to type. She only knew one person who could translate. But she didn't want to call him. After everything they'd been through, she didn't want to put him back into her life. She missed him the most out of everyone, even her best friend. She missed his kisses and their arguments, she missed teasing him and laughing with him. She even missed his dorky 'tech speak' and that face he made when she called him names, the way he glared but fought back a smile at the same time. She missed him. She missed Freddie Benson.

"Hello?" His groggy voice picked up almost immediately after she worked up the nerve to dial the numbers that she'd memorized long ago. It was late, eleven a clock or so, and she felt kind of bad for waking him up.

"Hey, Fredward." She sighed, but couldn't help the smile growing on her face. It was so nice just to hear his voice.

"Sam?" He asked, his voice excited.

"Yup, that's me. Listen I have a job for you." She said, trying to get to the point before his questions started. Like, Why haven't I heard from you in months? Or, Why don't you return any of my calls? But, of course, Freddie had to know.

"Yeah, yeah. Where have you been, Puckett? It's been, like, three months!" And twelve days, he thought to himself. Be he wasn't going to admit that he'd been counting.

"I know, I was just ridin' around. I found a place to settle for a while in LA. Met some cool people. Started a babysitting service!" She sounded like she was trying to make cheap small talk, when she'd known this boy for years.

"Sam, you hate children," he laughed just picturing the idea of her trying to take care of a baby or toddler. Everyone knew Sam had a low tolerance for crying, tantrums, childish games, and well, anything that has to do with little kids.

"I know, I know," She found herself laughing and rolling her eyes, "But I gotta buy myself some food somehow, right? It's not so bad when you have a partner."

"Oh, you've made friends?"

"Just the girl I've been living with. Well, her and this guy Dice."

"Dice?" The jealousy was etched into Freddie's voice.

"Calm down, Fredweird. He's, like, twelve. It's just me and Cat in this apartment, with him stopping by to sell us random shit and have us help him with his stupid little problems. You've got no competition." She meant it as a joke, but it was the truth. Freddie really didn't have competition anywhere. He was nerdy and dorky and absolutely an idiot when it came to excitement, but he was Freddie. It worked for him. It made him... attractive to be so weird.

"Oh." Came his lame reply. He couldn't help but feel awkward. Was his jealousy that obvious?

"So, um, anyways, about my babysitting. There's all these fake reviews on some stupid website. I need them taken down or something. Think you can help?"

"I can try, I guess, but I don't know if I can hack in to delete the comments. I can, however, tell you who posted them."

"Yeah, I'll send you the link now." Sam agreed, quickly typing the address and pressing the send button to deliver all the info to his phone.

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