Seddie Oneshots: 652 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 3,237
Published: Dec 5, 2010
Updated: July 23, 2015

A/N: Set after iOpen A Restaurant.


"Alright, so here's what Franklin wants us to do," Sam said to Gibby as the two sat at an empty table in their restaurant. "We can open up one hour before school, and for two hours after. And then during lunch, we alternate each week being open for first lunch or second lunch. And we can't let more than twenty people down here at once and we need to have someone working security in the hall outside of here to alert us if Howard comes this way. If we do all that he thinks we should be able to keep operating without any of the teachers who want to shut us down finding out."

"Cool," Gibby nodded. "I can't believe I get to keep my restaurant dream alive!"

"And I can't believe the profit I'm pulling in from that lame dream of yours," Sam said, pulling a wad of cash out of her pocket. "This is the most useful thing I've done at school ever."

"Can I have my cut for the day?" Gibby asked.

"Oh...yeah, I guess," Sam sighed, reluctantly handing over half the wad.

"Sweet!" Gibby said. "I'm going to use this to buy myself a new carpet steamer."


"Because my old one got run over by a motorized wheelchair, duh," Gibby said. "You heading out?"

"Nah, I think I'm gonna stay down here and prep some more hot meat sandwiches for tomorrow," Sam said. "I'll see you later, Gib."

As Gibby left the restaurant, Sam slowly stood up and walked over into the kitchen. She made no effort to begin any sandwiches, though. She leaned against the counter and let out a long sigh. It seemed that for the past week, ever since the restaurant opened, she had been spending the majority of her time with Gibby. And, as strange as it was, she found that she didn't exactly mind. At least when she hung around Gibby she didn't feel second best like she suddenly did when she hung around Carly and Freddie nowadays.

She couldn't believe that now, after nearly five years, history was repeating itself. Were they really going back to the days where Freddie hated her and chased after Carly? After everything that had happened? After her and Freddie had shared their first kiss together, told each other some of their deepest secrets, after they dated, after they told one another they loved each other?

Sam shook her head as she stepped over to the fridge and grabbed herself a soda. She couldn't handle this a second time around. It had been tough enough on her when she was a kid. Back then Freddie's obsession and preference for Carly had just been annoying.

Now it hurt.

Suddenly, she heard the basement door open. She figured it was Gibby, coming back for something he had forgotten, but a few seconds later Freddie descended the steps.

"Hey, hey," he greeted her pleasantly. "What goes on, Puckett?"

Sam pursed her lips. "What are you doing here?" she asked coldly.

"I had to do a couple of things for the AV club," Freddie replied, not sensing the tension between them. "And I had to make up the history test I missed today. You wouldn't believe the day Carly and I had."

Carly and you, huh? Sam thought to herself as she began to busy herself pulling plates out of the dishwasher. Bet you loved that.

"See, Spencer texted us telling us there was some big emergency back home," Freddie said, sitting down at the counter. "So me and Carly ran back to the apartment during study hall to see what was going on. But it turns out he had just built this giant security robot thing which of course tried to kill us and it ended up completely pelting my mom with popcorn kernels."

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