Some Assembly Required: 7 by InvisibleMeatball

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Some Assembly Required by InvisibleMeatball

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 628
Published: Jun 13, 2010
Updated: Jul 4, 2010


"Maybe we should get married," he muses one Tuesday, shin-deep in sudsy water. It's June and they're in their basement trying to clean up the mess their cantankerous washing machine has just created, pulling out clothes and scooping the water out with trashcans.

Sam looks up at him from where she's bent over, almost crawling inside of the washing machine to rescue that t-shirt with the ninja on it. "Why would we wanna do that?" she scoffs. The machine backs her up, spurting additional water through the misdirected pipe and soaking them even more.

This isn't the preferred reaction, but with Sam, nothing is. Freddie shrugs, avoiding her eyes by scooping up more water with his trashcan and dumping it out the window. "I dunno," he finally says. "Why not?"

"Because weddings," Sam declares, successfully grabbing the ninja shirt and adding it on the pile with the rest of the soaked clothes, "are a waste of time."

"Sam, be reasonable." His knees protest as he bends down yet again, the trashcan filling with water.

Sam sticks her head in the door of the washer, twisting her neck around to look up. "Dude, my bra's sticking to the top," she says, peeling it off and throwing it at his face.

"Thanks for that," he says, unhooking the strap from where it had landed on his ear and tossing it in the pile. "So, what, just because you don't like weddings, you don't wanna get married?"

Sam looks at him again, her oversized Seattle Seahawks sleeping shirt drenched and clinging to her body, her hair pulled back sloppily, and her eyes looking slightly naked without her usual heavy eye make up. "It's a pretty good reason not to."

Freddie tries not to sigh and concentrates on getting the water level down. "Not really."

"Why is it so important for us to get married?" Sam asks, hoisting her trashcan up to the window and emptying the contents out onto the driveway outside with a loud splash. "You already had me move in and join the bank accounts and everything, isn't that enough?"

He hates that she's acting like it all was just doing him a favor. "Well, you see, sometimes, when people are in love, and want to express that, they get married." He's wide-eyed and sarcastically innocent.

She tilts her head and scowls at him. "Is this just you trying to get me to say it again?"

Freddie contemplates this. "Not at first, but I wouldn't mind..." She goes back to scooping up the water again and he sighs. "Sam... you haven't said it in at least two months."

"Yes, because this is the perfect moment," she mutters, but then she looks up again and sees his face, standing there in the bubbles, looking like a drowned puppy. "Freddie," she says quietly. "...I love you, okay? I wouldn't be standing here helping you un-flood our basement if I didn't."

He grins unconsciously, kissing her. "Thank you," he says. "I love you, too." She smiles and dumps her trashcan of water on his head, a battle ensuing and a moment being ruined. He wonders if he'll ever get the courage to propose again... or if that even counted as a proposal.

Disclaimer: This is a collection of Seddie oneshots from FanFiction. I do not own anything, all rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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