24 Hours by Gabsikle

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Chapter 22


10:00 PM

"Wakey-wakey," Carly called to Freddie and Sam.

Freddie woke up first with a groan. "What's going on?"

"We're here," Gibby told him.

Carly nodded. "And I want to skinny dip before a storm starts."

Freddie poked Sam in the stomach. She responded by slapping him.

Carly laughed. "Sam. We're at Gibby's grandpa's cabin."

Sam got off Freddie. "Sweet."

They all got out of the car and went into the cabin, bringing the clothes they had been wearing earlier.

Once they reached the living room, Sam started attacking her hair. "Jesus Christ, Carls. How many bobby pins did you put in my hair?"

Carly shrugged. "No clue. But you looked cute."

Sam rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna go get some towels," Gibby said.

"I'll go with you," Freddie said as he followed Gibby. "This whole skinny dipping thing is gonna be interesting," Freddie said when they were far enough away from the girls.

"I know. I hope I don't make an ass of myself."

Freddie chuckled. "Me too." He had seen Sam in her underwear earlier during their adventure and didn't embarrass himself then. But he did look like an idiot when he saw her in that tiny towel. He couldn't really be held responsible for that though. He had just woken up from a sex dream after all.

They got the towels and went back to Sam and Carly. Freddie smiled when he saw Sam. Her hair looked really wild from being up.

"You guys ready?" Carly asked excitedly.

They all mumbled a "yes" then followed Gibby to the back of the house.

"Wow," Carly said. "It's so pretty."

There were trees surrounding the area. Then there was a long dock at the lake.

"It looks like we could get murdered here," Sam said.

Freddie laughed and snorted. "And it doesn't help our chances due to the fact that we're all about to get naked."

"Guys!" Carly screamed, "Stop trying to freak me out!"

"Don't worry," Gibby said as he placed an arm around her. "I'll protect you."

"Aw! Thanks, Gibby." She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Sam looked at Freddie and made a gagging motion. Freddie just smiled.

"Let's do this," Carly said.

They made their way down the dock. Gibby put the towels down then they began to strip.

Freddie, who felt like a perv, watched Sam wiggle out of her dress. He saw her tattoo then remembered something. "Shit. Guys, we can't go swimming with our tattoos."

They all paused.

"Who gives a fuck?" Sam asked. "It's one time. We have to complete the list."

"I agree with Sam," Carly said.

Freddie did not understand Carly's obsession with skinny dipping.

Gibby just shrugged and continued taking off his clothes.

Freddie was down to his boxers when Sam looked over her shoulder. She must've noticed he looked nervous because she smirked and said, "You scared of people seeing your junk, Fredly?"

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