Seddie Oneshots: 493 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,818
Published: Dec 5, 2010

A/N: Like I said before, it's best to read Serendipity (Book 1) before this. After all, this is a series of compilations, and some are connected. But just to help, once again, Jason, Emma & Ashton, and Tyler are Sam & Freddie's kids.


[ family centric-ish ]

"Why did we let Carly talk us into this?" Sam moaned as she pulled on her coat.

"Oh come on, it won't be that bad," Freddie said.

"It's the opera," Sam said. "It has to be bad. We're gonna be forced to sit through six hours of fat ladies singing!"

"Well you know how Carly gets when she has these ideas," Freddie reasoned. "She was going to force us into couple's opera night one way or another, so we might as well get it over with."

"You better hope they have a decent snack stand," Sam said. "If I'm gonna endure this, I need chili fries."

"Seriously doubt they'll be selling chili fries at one of the fanciest theatres in Washington," Freddie chuckled as the couple stepped into their living room where their four children were sitting.

"Alright guys, we're off," Sam said.

"Where are you going?" nine-year old Tyler asked.

"To a very boring place," Sam replied, kissing the top of his head. "Jason, you're in charge. There's pizza money in the kitchen."

"Got it," the seventeen-year old said, not looking away from the T.V.

"Emma, remember, you need to study for your English exam tomorrow," Freddie said. "So no T.V. tonight."

"What?" Emma exclaimed. "But there's a new episode of Outrageous Cheerleading Accidents on tonight. Apparently some cheer captain forgot to calculate a margin of error for her squad's pyramid so the whole thing comes crashing down!"

"You can record it," Sam said. She turned to Ashton. "You're working on your science project tonight, right?"

"Yeah, my partner's coming over in a little," Ashton nodded.

"Good," she said. "Alright, you have our numbers. Call us if you need anything."

"Come on, we're gonna be late," Freddie said.

"Yeah...that'd be a shame," Sam mumbled under her breath as her and Freddie walked out the door.

Once Sam and Freddie were gone, Jason turned off the T.V. "Alright well, I'm starving. Tyler, go call and order the pizza."

"Why me?" Tyler frowned.

"Because I'm in charge," Jason said simply.

Muttering indignantly, Tyler headed into the kitchen.

"Hey, put the T.V. back on," Emma said. "I was getting into that show."

"Aren't you supposed to study?" Jason pointed out.

"Pfft, like I'm gonna do that," Emma scoffed.

"Um, yes you are, I'm not gonna get busted when you fail your test," Jason said.

"What? Come on!" Emma exclaimed. "Most kids are supposed to have fun when their older brothers are in charge. You're just as bad as mom and dad!"

"Yeah, sucks for you, doesn't it?" Jason said, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table. "Now beat it."

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