101 Days of Seddie: 71 by popcorn1001

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101 Days of Seddie by popcorn1001

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Friendship & Romance
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,390
Published: Apr 5, 2011
Updated: Jun 17, 2014


He should've been worried when he heard the words come out of Sam's mouth. It's not like they had ever turned out well for him before, but try as he might, Freddie found that he just could not say know her, it was worse than the way that Carly used to bat her eyelashes and say "Pleeeeease, for me?" and Freddie would have to do whatever she wanted. This was worse because Sam rarely if ever said "please," and he still found himself bending over backwards to please her.

So, when Sam had stretched out over the Shay's couch, sighed loudly and then complained, "I'm bored!" and Carly had rolled her eyes and gone back to the project she was perfecting, Freddie should have made up an excuse to go home, because he had known what words would come out of Sam's mouth next.

"What do you want me to about it?" he asked instead of using the tried and true, concrete tick bath excuse to leave. Sam stuck out her tongue at him and whined, "I don't know!"

"Well..." Freddie was about to suggest that they could start some planning for the next iCarly, he was set to star in it, so Sam would have to handle the camera, when Sam interrupted him.

"Let's play a game!" she shouted, springing up, suddenly animated and excited.

Freddie definitely should have left then, but he doesn't. No instead he asked warily, "What kind of game, b-Sam?" he catches himself quickly, nearly calling her babe.

Sam either doesn't notice or chooses to ignore it, because she continues, "One my mom taught me,"

Freddie hears Carly mutter an, "Oh boy," or perhaps an "Uh oh," or an "Oh no," and finds himself replaying games he had played with Sam in the past. One that strikes him the most memorable (and they are all memorable) being the orange that he's pretty sure permanently bruised his spine. Sam hasn't hit him - really hit him - since he tried to pry her off Gibby, so he's hoping that this game won't involve too much pain.

"So, what is the name of this game?" Freddie asked, and Sam walks into the kitchen and pulls out a bunch of tall plastic glasses from the cupboards, "Hallway bowling," Sam explained, she's searching for something to use as a ball it becomes clear that the glasses will be the pins.

"Aha!" Sam says, pulling a small toy ball out from under the stairs, it's just one of the plastic ones stamped with a Dingo show character, and Sam doesn't know why it's there, but she knows it'll work. Carly looked up at Sam's gleeful exclamation and finds her blonde friend setting up a bunch of her dishes (thankfully plastic) in a pyramid shape in the hallway that leads to the bathroom and Spencer's room.

"Are you sure this is safe, Sam?" Carly asked, with a worried tone in her voice. Freddie kept his eyes trained on Sam, following her every movement, with a slight smile on his face.

"Please, Carls, Mom and I played this with a real bowling ball and glass," Sam said, omitting the word bottles but no one in the room needs to hear it to know what they mean, "Spencer's not home right?"

Carly glanced at one of the clocks on the wall and shakes her head, "Nope, he won't be home for a few more hours,"

"So he won't be in his room and won't trip over this stuff, anyone have to take a whazz?" Sam asked gestured towards the bathroom and Carly and Freddie both crinkled their noses and shook their heads. "Good," Sam said, and finished setting up the pins.

"So... how do we play?" Freddie questioned, finally snapping out of his Sam-watching reverie when she straightens up.

"Almost like regular bowling. Except unlimited turns to knock down all the pins, and you're timed. Once all ten are knocked down the time stops, the person with the fastest time wins." Sam informed Freddie quickly, the held out the ball to him, "Ladies first," she joked.

"Ha-ha Puckett," Freddie said, though he took the ball and motioned for Sam to begin timing him. Freddie is not a bad bowler, it's that aim that he's got that helped but the plastic ball is much lighter then he's expecting so on his first shot he only knocks down two pins.

It's Freddie's first time playing the game, but it only takes him three rolls to knock down all ten plastic cups. This clattered noisily as they fell over and into one another. Sam glanced at the timer on her PearPhone, "47 seconds, not too shabby B-Benson," It's been awhile since she's called him by his last name and Freddie looked up slightly shocked, but he supposes it is better than other things she could be calling him so he lets it slide.

"Now, you set them up," Sam instructed and Freddie moves to automatically do what she has told him too, "And I'll show you the master of this game,"

"C'mon, it's my first time playing and I have time under a minute," Freddie raised an eyebrow at Sam silently asking her how she could possibly beat that. He checked the pins one last time, making sure they were properly placed. "How could you possibly beat me?"

Sam simply smirked and Freddie, indicated that he should start timing her and when he nodded in her direction she took a step back, moving her arms backwards too, then she swung her arm forward and low and let the ball roll across the hall.

Two seconds later there is an unbelievably loud clatter of plastic against plastic and wood against plastic as all ten "pins" are knocked over. Freddie stopped the timer and stared at in complete disbelief, "10 seconds," he shouted over the noise as the last pin finally stopped moving.

"Oh yeah!" Sam pumps her fist into the air, "I am still the Hallway Bowling champion!" She does a victory dance, laughing, and Freddie stared at her again. Carly looked up at first annoyed with the racket and planning to ask her friends to kindly shut up while she finished her project.

Instead Carly found herself watching Freddie and shaking her head. Freddie's eyes are once again glued on Sam's face. Sam is not paying attention because she is busy chanting, "Mama is the winner! Mama is the winner!" But Freddie hasn't taken his eyes off his ex-girlfriend and Carly is sure that the expression on his face is the exact definition of "in love."

Sam stopped her victory dance and chant and looked at Carly who was looking at Freddie. So then she looked at Freddie who had he's eyes trained on her, "What?" she said suddenly feeling self-conscious (like she did every time Freddie looked at her) "Do I have something in my teeth?" the butterflies in her stomach that she thought she had killed are suddenly alive and doing the quickstep, when no one answered her Sam stomped her foot and asked more forcefully, "What is it?"

The stomp made Freddie jump back and he shook his head slowly as if coming out of some sort of trance, "Sorry Sam," he said sheepishly, "I drifted off there for a second,"

Sam glanced at him suspiciously but decided to let it go - just this once, "Okay then..."

Carly wanted to slap her hand upon her forehead, her two best friends are very dense, and instead she lets out a loud groan and turns back to her project. "What?" Sam and Freddie both asked turning to look at her.

"Nothing, just... having trouble finishing this project up," Carly said and added in her head; and wondering why you two ever broke up.

Disclaimer: This is a collection of Seddie oneshots from FanFiction. I do not own anything, all rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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