Seddie Oneshots: 513 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,606
Published: Dec 5, 2010


Sam walked into the lobby of Bushwell Plaza, her headphones on as she tried to remember whether Carly had said today was the day her and Spencer were going out to have dinner with an old friend of their fathers or not.

She wasn't paying attention, and therefore found herself colliding with someone was she started towards the elevator.

"Ow!" she snapped, pulling out her headphones. "Watch where you're-Oh, it's you."
She looked up at Freddie, who quickly steadied himself. He was carrying a pile of mail in his arms.

"Hey," he said. "I was just getting our mail..."

Sam, slightly surprised that Freddie didn't have any comeback to her bumping into him, scoffed. "What, you have to read your latest issue of Nubs Weekly?"

Freddie didn't even look up as he continued to absentmindedly riffle through the mail.

"Um...did you hear me?" Sam said. "Nubs Weekly. See, it's implying that you're a nub. Which you are."

"Very funny," Freddie mumbled.

Sam sighed. "Oh come on, it's no fun messing with you if you're gonna be all mopey about it."

Sam frowned. "Okay, Benson, what is up with you? Why you acting so down in the dumps?"

Freddie shrugged. "I'm not down. I just...never mind."

"Hey," Sam said, her tone softening a bit. "Dude, what's wrong?"

Freddie gave her a small smile. "It's stupid."

"Probably," Sam agreed. "But come on, tell me."

Freddie pulled out a large envelope from the pile of mail. "I just got a letter from my dad today."
Sam blinked. She had never heard Freddie talk about his dad before, even when they were dating. And of course, she never pushed the subject because, well, she herself knew what it was like to want to keep some things to yourself.

"Oh," she said simply. "Well...isn't-isn't that good?"

"Yeah, it's real great," Freddie mumbled darkly, and Sam was slightly taken aback by his tone. "My dad things he can make up for never seeing me or calling me or anything by sending some lame joke card with some cash in it and a promise to 'see me soon'."

Sam didn't reply.

"I mean, what, am I supposed to be happy I get letters and junk from him three or four times a year so that he can not feel guilty?" Freddie continued. "Am I supposed to prop all his dumb cards up on my desk? Am I supposed to just forget about the fact that he hasn't bothered to visit since him and my mom divorced when I was twelve?"

Sam looked down at her feet. "Yeah, well, at least your dad bothers to acknowledge your presence."

Freddie's face instantly fell. "Sam," he said quickly, his voice returning to normal. "Sam, I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...I-I forgot-"

"It's okay," Sam shrugged. She had always avoided mentioning her father as well, so why have Freddie think about it? "So, um, what did the letter say?"

"I dunno," Freddie sighed. "I didn't open it. I-I stopped opening the letters awhile ago."

"You don't ever get curious?" Sam asked.

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