24 Hours by Gabsikle

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Chapter 2


2:00 AM

"Well," Carly said, "I guess I'll go pretty myself up for our journey." She took her coffee with her as she made her way upstairs.

"I'll look up clubs and stuff to stop at on our way to the cabin," Freddie said.

"No, you're not," Sam told him. "Gibby can do that. I need you."

"For what?" Freddie said with a gulp. He knew she didn't mean it in the way he secretly hoped, but a boy could dream.

"You're driving me to the twenty-four hour Mall-Mart to get supplies."

"What supplies?" Gibby asked.

"Spray paint, toilet paper, and tools. Duh."

"But, Sam," Freddie said, "Creepers go to Mall-Mart at two AM."

"Oh my God! Stop being a baby!" She grabbed Freddie's wrist and dragged him out the door. As they walked down the hall she said, "Today's gonna be so much fun."

Freddie laughed. "It is. I can't believe Carly was cool with the whole tattoo thing. Same with the strip club."

"I guess she's curious about the strip club. Also, we should get matching tattoos."

Freddie smiled at her while they stepped into the elevator. "I was thinking the same thing."

"Were you also thinking that they should be iCarly tattoos?"


"It's like we're on the same wave length," Sam said while she poked Freddie in the stomach.

The elevator reached the lobby. The pair got out and made their way to Freddie's car.

"You have money to pay for these supplies?" Freddie asked.

"You're funny."

"I take that means I have to pay."

"Funny and smart."

"Thanks," Freddie said with a hint of sarcasm.

They got in the car and made their way to Mall-Mart.


Carly came downstairs and was surprised to see only Gibby. "Where's Sam and Freddie?"

"They went to Mall-Mart to get supplies."

"Of course. What are you up to?" She walked up behind Gibby, who was at the computer, and looked over his shoulder.

"I'm mapping out a route to my grandpa's cabin. I found a really fancy restaurant, and there's a nice night club about two miles away from it."

"Good job, Gibby. We should probably make reservations at the restaurant."

"Good plan."

"I'll set a reminder on my phone to do so at a reasonable hour. What's the number?"

Gibby read off the number for her. "I also found a tattoo place, and, um, strip club."

Carly laughed. "Who knew Freddie was into that?"

"Well, he is a guy."

"True. Hey, Gibby?"


"Have you noticed Sam and Freddie acting different toward each other?"

"You've seen it, too?" Gibby asked excitedly.

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