24 Hours by Gabsikle

187 7 0

Chapter 15


3:00 PM

Sam got her fifth snack out of the vending machine. "So what do you want to talk to me about?" she asked Carly.

"How'd you know I wanted to talk?"

"Because you wouldn't let the nub come with us. So spill."

"I understand why you're afraid of getting into a relationship with Freddie."

Sam got a root beer out of the soda machine. "Thank you! What took you so long?"

"My kinda sorta crush on Gibby made me get it. The thought of ruining the friendship is scary."

Sam shoved a handful of chips into her mouth. "Exactly," she said without swallowing the chips. She continued after she finally swallowed. "It would suck if we ended up hating each other for real. Or if I screw up and he ends up loathing me. That'd be the worst."

Carly looked at Sam sadly. "Freddie would never loathe you."

"Yeah. Sure."

Carly wanted to make Sam feel better, so she decided to share something that she had been wondering: "I think Freddie's dream was about you."

"You said what now?"

Carly noted that while Sam looked shocked, she also seemed kind of happy.

"Why else would he freak out every time you mention it?"

"Well, Mama is hot stuff."

Carly laughed.

"You know, I had a dream about him," Sam informed Carly.

"Really? Tell me!"

"Some of it was creepy, but I'll skip that part. I denied liking the nerd to the whole school, he heard and got upset, he ran away, I chased after him, then we made out on your bed."

"You only made out?" Carly asked.

"I woke up before anything else could happen." Sam sighed. "What a shame."

"No, no," Carly said. "Good thing. I don't want you two having sex on my bed."

"Dude, it was a dream."

"I don't care!"


They walked out of the little vending machine room. "Oh," Carly said, "We have dinner reservations at seven."

"Then we need to get to the mall and shoplift our outfits."

Carly nodded. "Right. I need to shower first."

They entered the room. Gibby and Freddie were watching TV.

"Yo, boys," Sam said. "After Carly showers, we're going to go to the mall and steal some shit."


Freddie was waiting for Carly to finish showering. He wanted her to hurry up. He could feel some tension floating around the room. Sam was sitting on the same bed as him, and he could feel her eyes watching him. He refused to look at her. She was thinking of saying something.

"Sam, what do you have to say?" Freddie asked when he couldn't take it anymore.

He could feel her smirk. "I was just wondering what your dream was about."

Gibby chuckled and Freddie sent him a death glare. He then turned to Sam and said, "I'm not gonna tell you who it was about."

"I don't care who the chick was," Sam said as she inched closer to him. "I just want to know what happened in it."

Serendipity (Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora