Seddie Oneshots: 663 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 3,047.
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Well...I guess this is it," Freddie said as him and Sam stepped in front of their apartment door. "When we walk though that door, our honeymoon is officially over."

"I know," Sam said, wrapping her arms around him. "Once we go inside, we're officially just some old married couple. We're gonna just have mortgages and bills and boring old people stuff."

"Hey, we still have plenty of fun stuff to look forward to," Freddie chuckled. "We've got our first real house, our first anniversary, starting a family together..."

Sam smiled up at him. "I guess that does sound nice. You and you on the porch of our own home, rocking our little baby to sleep..."

"I can't wait," Freddie whispered, leaning down to kiss her. "We've got our whole life together. I'm so excited."

"Me too," Sam said, kissing him back. "Hey, you know, just because we're not officially on our honeymoon anymore, that doesn't mean we can't at least pretend we still are. At least for a few more hours. We can go inside, lock the door, and spend the rest of the afternoon pretending we're still in that fancy hotel room in


"That sounds fantastic," Freddie grinned. "Hopefully Carly didn't put all the wedding presents in our bedroom, otherwise they might get in the way of-"

"Oh my God!" Sam suddenly exclaimed. "I-I can't believe it! I completely forgot about those! We still have all our wedding presents to open! Come on, baby! Let's go see what we got!"

"You mean now?" Freddie frowned. "What happened to extending our honeymoon for a few more hours?"

"We can do that any old time," Sam shrugged. "How often do we have an apartment full of wedding presents begging to be open? Let's move, Benson!"

"Yup," Freddie sighed as Sam quickly opened the apartment door and ran inside. "Honeymoon's officially done."

He followed his new wife into the apartment, where a huge pile of presents was waiting for them in the living room.

"Whoa! There's so many!" Sam said eagerly. "Look at all this stuff! Man, this is the best part of this wedding thing!"

"Thanks, baby," Freddie smirked, rolling his eyes.

"I mean...apart from getting to marry you," Sam said quickly, giving him a peck on his cheek. "But tell me you're not even a little excited to open all these."

"Yeah...I guess a huge stack of gifts is cool," Freddie chuckled.

"Let's figure out which ones are from your family first and get those out of the way," Sam said. "They're bound to be lame."

"Hey!" Freddie frowned. "They're your family now too."

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that," Sam said. "Hey! Look how big this one, I wonder what it is."

Just then the couple's door opened and Carly let herself in.

"Hey!" Carly grinned, hurrying over to the couple and hugging them. "Welcome back from your honeymoon!"

"Thanks," Freddie smiled. "Hey, you're just in time. Sam and I are about to open all our wedding gifts."

"Oh good, I was hoping I wouldn't miss that," Carly said.

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