Lost Along The Way by xmaybejoleisa

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Lost Along The Way by xmaybejoleisa

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Angst
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 5,695
Published: Aug 3, 2010



"I just-I need some consistency."
"I know."
"I need to know that you're not gonna wake up in the morning and feel differently."
"And I can't give you that. Nobody can."

-500 Days of Summer


Sam likes to give mixed signals, likes to keep people guessing, because they'll never really get her, and that's the whole point.

But sometimes, very few times, Freddie Benson comes pretty close. And it's only natural then for her to, as Sam Puckett, throw him off course, create a whole new labyrinthine, and burn any leftover bridges - anything that could be used as a clue, because whether she likes to admit it or not, the nub can be pretty smart most days.

Paranoid? Maybe. She likes to think of it more as being safe.


They're at the Groovy Smoothies one day and Freddie's sitting on the other side of the table and it's only the two of them (damn it-why her?) and he's boring her to death, yet again, with his incessant and endless nerd talk when she notices the girl behind them has been eying him for the past few five ten seconds.

Freddie's oblivious of course. In fact, it seems he's always oblivious to girls crushing him, other than Carly of course, but she guesses that just comes with being tech geek and all - too much time creating long-term relationships with laptops instead of an actual human being of the opposite sex.

Anyway, that's beside the point. The point is the girl is staring shamelessly at him, the funny glint in her eyes, you know the one girls only get when they might be a little more than just a bit interested in a certain boy. She snorts, because please, is this chick for real - and no this has nothing to do with the funny feeling stirring in the pit of her stomach or the unconscious tightening of the hand underneath the table into a fist.

"And then I told Will maybe we should use the digitally enhanced pictures we took-"

"Hey." She nearly barks, nearly, she's got it under control so it's fine.

He gives her a deadpanned look, probably because of her tone, "What now?"

"Lean over." She commands.

The lifeless look in his eyes turns into a slightly confused and funny expression and he blinks once, twice, before saying slowly, "Uh...why?"

"Just do it!" Her tone is a bit more desperate, a bit higher.

"Aw Sam," he whines but leans anyway, still so unbelievably oblivious, it's pathetic, "I really don't appreciate when you show me new moves you've learned on me, in public-"

She leans in quick, gives him a rushed but clean peck on the lips, and keeps her hand on top of his, where all - including Miss Googley-Eyes, can see it on the table.

He seems frozen in place with shock, eyes wide and dark, and she has to suppress the roll of eyes and loud sigh that is so much needed at this moment.

"You can move now," she reminds him dryly, patting his hand in mock encouragement and he steals a quick glance to his left and right, as if to see if anyone's just seen what she's just done to him, just to make sure it actually happened or something.

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