Hate You, Too by somerdaye

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Hate You, Too by somerdaye

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Friendship, Romance & Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,593
Published: Nov 6, 2009


The wind was cool, and the day warm. A perfect day for play, as her mom liked to say. So she was at the playground with her sister, trying to see who could get higher on the swings. She won, and her sister went off to the monkey bars to show off her gymnastic abilities. She stopped swinging and sat there, bored.

A boy walked up to her. She glared at him. He seemed like the type of kid she would pick on, with his striped shirt - ew - and his perfectly neat hair. She ruffled his hair to make it messier. She couldn't help it - it was instinct. He ducked away and glared at her.

"I just came over to say hi. You were alone," he defended himself. "And you looked like you had nothing to do." She sighed. He was right.

"Fine. You can play with me. I'm Sam."

"Freddie Benson," he said it proudly, like he was Jamesboggart Washingtonally the Third. She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, Benson," she smiled for a second at her nickname for him, then looked around for something to do. She eyed the pole of the swingset and smirked at her new companion. "I bet I could lick that pole from here."

He looked disgusted. "Sam! Don't lick the swingset!" She glared at him. She didn't like being told off.

"Don't tell me what to do, Benson!" She stuck her tongue out and managed to lick the pole. She turned to him and made a pfft noise. He made a revolted noise and walked away.

Her stomach suddenly didn't feel so good. She groaned, and crossed her arms over her stomach. "Hey!" she yelled after him. He turned. "I hate you!"

He looked hurt, then angry. "I hate you too!" Then he stormed away.


He was walking down the hall on his first day of grade 3. He was finally allowed to go to regular school. His mom used to tell him that it was too dangerous and she homeschooled him for a while. Now, though, he was able to walk down the hall - well, okay, skip - and feel like a normal kid.

"Benson?!" A shrill voice broke into his musings, and he turned to see the girl from the park. He almost didn't recognise her. It had been so long. She was standing with another girl, who was really pretty, and he found that he couldn't stop looking at her. The friend giggled, and she glared at him.

"Yeah, it's me. Hi, Sam," he waved, trying to be friendly and nice. It was difficult, the way she was looking at him - like she was trying to set him on fire with her mind. "How are you?"

"Bad, now that you're here!" she exclaimed, waving her arms around wildly. He decided she hadn't changed at all, and attempted to walk by her after smiling at her pretty friend. He found himself sprawled on the tiled floor a moment later. He turned and gaped at her, furious.

"You tripped me!" he tried to keep his anger to a minimum, but it was hard. She was laughing almost hysterically. Her friend even bit her lip to stop from giggling again. He felt his anger boil into humiliation. "I hate you!"

She just kept laughing. "Hate you, too, Freddork." Still laughing about her clever new nickname for him, she walked away.


It felt strange. It felt nice. It felt really nice. Which is why it felt strange.

They broke apart and stared at each other for a second. He leaned back, distracted, and she pursed her lips. He followed her example and could swear he tasted strawberry. She stood up. An awkward air settled in.

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