24 Hours by Gabsikle

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Chapter 5


5:00 AM

Carly watched Sam type an address into Freddie's GPS.

"Where are we going?" she asked her friend.

"I already told you. To go TP a house."

"Who's house?" Carly knew she wasn't going to be happy with whoever's house Sam chose to TP.

"You don't need to know who's house we're TP-ing." Sam said.

Carly sighed and turned to Gibby. "Are you hurt at all?"

"Just a few scrapes," he told her.

"It was so mean of Sam to honk the horn and scare you enough to fall off of the car."

"It wasn't mean!" Sam defended. "It was funny. Right, Frednip?"

That was a nickname Carly hadn't heard before. She figured Sam was thinking of turnips for some reason.

"It was a little funny," Freddie said. "But I'm sorry you got injured, Gibby. I got a first aid kit if you need it."

"Nah. I'm good. I'm not bleeding or anything."

"That would've been hilarious," Sam said. She shared a look with Freddie and they laughed.

The GPS announced that they had arrived at their destination. They parked by the curb, and Freddie popped the trunk.

"Come help me, Gibson." Sam commanded. The two got out of the car to fetch the toilet paper.

"Do you know whose house this is?" Carly asked Freddie.


"And you're not worried?"

"Why would I be?"

"We could get caught!"

"We didn't get caught at the school or the pool."

"Yeah. Because sane people aren't awake that early."

"You're just upset that we woke you up."

"I need my beauty sleep."

"You took two naps already."

"I like my full eight hours, Freddie." Carly paused. "Um. Are you having fun?"

Freddie smiled brightly. "Yeah. It's been entertaining."

"It's been especially fun with Sam, huh?"

Freddie blushed. "I guess."

Carly saw toilet paper fly out of the corner of her eye. Sam and Gibby were TPing a tree in their victim's front yard.

"Sam told me you guys had a moment in the school. And I interrupted it."

Freddie turned redder. "Yeah. It was nothing though."

"Were you going to kiss her?"

"What?! N-N-No."

"Uh-huh. Sure."


"The tree's looking pretty awesome," Sam said to Gibby.

"Sure is." Gibby looked at the car. He just wanted a quick glance at Carly, but noticed that Freddie looked embarrassed. Carly must've been talking about him and Sam. Gibby figured he should do the same.

"You're really having a lot of fun," Gibby said.

"Shoosh yeah. I've been waiting to do chiz like this for years."

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