Picturesque by Princess-Warrior 17

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Picturesque by Princess-Warrior 17

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Angst & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 10,552
Published: Jun 9, 2013


I twirled my silver wedding ring in my hands, letting out a sigh. Leaning back in the stiff, wooden chair, I glanced at the calendar and bit my lip.

Today was supposed to be a special day. I was supposed to come home from work with a dozen white roses and a box of chocolate-covered bacon for her. I was supposed to have an eight course meal with her at an extravagant French restaurant. After eating, we would stroll along the river, holding hands. The glimmering full moon would cast a faint shadow on her delicate face, highlighting her milky skin and endlessly blue eyes. I would tell her that even though we had married for three years, every day felt like the first day of our love. Then, we would return to our house to make love for the rest of the evening.

Yes, that was how it was supposed to be. Sadly, that wasn't the case.

The calendar taunted me, causing me to wince and turn my head away. I couldn't stand staring at it when I knew the date. Another sigh left my mouth as I set the ring down on the table. I could feel a single tear make its way down my cheek, running until it dropped onto my shirt.

August 14th. Sam and mine's wedding anniversary. Today was it, but we were half a world away from each other. She was probably sitting under the Tuscan sun with a glass of wine and a new man. I couldn't stop myself from whimpering at the idea. Not only did my heart ache, but every part of me stung with pain.

If you asked me to explain what had happened between Sam and me, I couldn't for the life of me tell you. Every night I lay awake in bed, tossing and turning, hoping to find the answer to that question. And each time I tried, I came up empty.

Things had been somewhat tense for the last few months, but I never thought it would lead to this. Both Sam and I faced challenges at work on a daily basis, but I guess the pressure became too much. One fight was all it took for us to break. We argued about something stupid, she stormed out with her bags packed, and couple weeks later, I was served with divorce papers. No explanation, no apology. Just a package of papers that said she wanted to end the very thing that kept us together for so long.

I still hadn't signed them; they were sitting in the drawer of the heavy oak desk beside our-my-bed. I couldn't look at them. They had been resting there, gathering dust for nearly six months. It was pathetic how I was treating the whole thing, but it was out of my control. Every god damn thing was out of my control these days.

Reaching up, I brushed away any remaining tears that had escaped. I rose from the chair and headed towards the kitchen cabinet where the whiskey was stored. Grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels, I ripped off the top, tipped the container into my mouth, and relished the bitter amber liquid as it flowed down my throat. The burn from the alcohol eased some of the agony I felt. It took the edge off slightly, but I was going to need a lot more to feel completely numb.

It didn't take me long to drain the bottle and fling it into the cardboard box sitting on the floor. My body craved another gulp of the tantalizing alcohol, so I spun around and took a hold of a second one. Before I could take a hefty swig, my cell phone blared from the other room.

"Damn it," I muttered, dashing to get the device.

Once I located it, I hit the 'call accept' without looking at who the caller was.

"What do you want?" I growled, not bothering to hide my disgust at who was interrupting my drinking time.

"Freddie?" the soft voice said.

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