Happiness Is A Faraway Place by xmaybejoleisa

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Happiness Is A Faraway Place by xmaybejoleisa

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Angst & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 5,469
Published: Dec 30, 2008


(He and I had something beautiful,
But so dysfunctional, it couldn't last.)

Freddie should probably be happier.

He is the groom after all. And Carly does make an awfully stunning bride, no doubt about it.

But he honestly can't figure out what's keeping him from being the happiest man on the planet.

Today is his day. It's the day he's been dreaming about since the moment he locked eyes with Carly Shay all those years ago, when they first met in their apartment corridor. She had been helping her brother move into their new apartment right across his, and that had been it. He had been so sure they were connected from that moment on.

She's probably the prettiest new girl-next-door anyone can possibly ever have the chance of meeting. The type of girl no one's surprised to know you had your first serious childhood crush on. That girl who's always found in those predictable chick flicks, but barely in reality.

Well this is reality. And he's here. He's finally gotten the girl of his dreams, and it's nice and all, but something's missing, and he just can't seem to figure it out...

"Freddie?" He jumps at the sound of his name, looking in the direction of whoever just called his name, only to find his eyes meeting those of a familiar face.

She's smiling, and she really is such a pretty wife. Her pale, milky skin illuminate and soften her dark, mysterious eyes even more than usual, and her jet black hair is a striking contrast to the white dress she's wearing.

She's glowing, and he wants to so badly sigh at the comfort of her presence. Carly always was one of his closest best friends. And maybe that's the problem. The fact that somehow, that's always what she seems to be to him first and foremost.

Not his first serious girlfriend. Not his fiancé. Not even his wife. Just his first best friend. His first wonderful, amazing best friend.

He doesn't like to think about it. In fact he's been making excuses for those feeling for a while now. It's marriage. A big step and a big change that takes some time to get used to, simply put. So this is probably normal. Carly probably feels it even more. She's just better at hiding it.

Her smile seems to falter for a second, as she studies his expression slowly.

"Are you okay, Freddie? You've been really quiet these past few hours. I mean I know there's always wedding jitters. I had them too, but I mean we got through it, didn't we? And I'm just so happy, aren't you happy-"

She's rambling. It's a trademark thing for the usually calm and collected Carly to do when she's nervous or worried.

He puts his hand over hers, a common gesture that's arised between them in these past few months leading up to today. And she stops all at once, taking a deep breath, those big, dark brown eyes waiting.

"I am so happy, Carly. Why wouldn't I be? You and I both know I've been waiting for this day since we were little kids. I'm probably more excited than you actually. I guess I'm just having some trouble taking it all in. How this is all actually happening."

She blushes at the reminder of his childhood crush on her. "Well it is happening, and we're here and I'm your wife, and I can't be more ecstatic. I'm so glad you never gave up on me. It was all worth it in the end and I love you so much, I hope you know that."

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