iThink I Miss You by ColorsOfTheSky101

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Chapter 6


Sam clicked the email link, and it began to load. Soon enough, Freddie's email appeared on the screen, and she started to read.

Carly! You have GOT to help me!

I know I haven't really emailed you since last week, but listen. Something's up with Sam. I've been emailing her and she suddenly stopped answering me. Except I know she's gotten my emails because my computer says they were received.

So now, Carly, I

"Whatcha readin'?" Carly's voice came out of nowhere. Sam's eyes widened and she slammed Carly's laptop shut.

"Um, nothing, absolutely nothing." Sam stammered. "N-not an email, if that's what you were thinking."

Carly gave her a knowing look. "Sam..."

"Seriously, Carly! You think I'd stoop so low as to -" Carly's knowing look increased. "Fine, fine. You've got an email from Freddie. Ruin my fun, will ya?"

"That's odd," Carly commented, and sat down next to Sam, taking her laptop away. "He hasn't emailed me for a while."

"Yeah, well, the email's about me." Sam rolled her eyes. "Probably to complain about how obnoxious I am, how aggravating I am, how you're so much better than me, yada yad -"

"Wow, do you have it wrong." Carly interrupted her, as she read over the email. "Sam, he feels guilty. He thinks he's done something wrong."

"Oh yeah?" Sam laughed. "Well, let's list. His clothes, his hair, his personality, his hobbies, his -"

"Stop! That's all you've been doing all week! Actually, ever since Freddie left!" Carly said, frustrated. Sam smirked, shoving pork chops in her mouth. "You miss him, Sam, but is that all?"

Sam was taken aback by her question. What was she suggesting there? "Are you saying that I have a crush...on Freddie?"


"Oh, good. Carls, for a second there I thought -"

"I think it's more than a crush." Carly smiled. "And I think it's about time you realize it, too."

Sam started choking on her pork chop. What?!

Carly's eyes widened and she started patting Sam on the back, Sam hacking all the way through, until the pork chop was sent flying across the room, breaking through one of the Shay's windows.

"Sam are you okay?" Carly said. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to hit you with that so fast."

"It's...fine." Sam said, distracted. "I'm going to go home. Later." She got up, even forgetting to take the rest of the pork chops, and walked out the door.

Sam wasn't horrified because of the thought of liking Freddie. She was more horrified because, despite all her taunting, his insane love for Carly, and their constant bickering, Carly might be right.

And that's what scared her the most.


Carly watched Sam leave and shook her head. It felt wrong, what she was doing, but knew it was the right thing to do. She had been taught the right thing to do for her whole life and had almost never been wrong. There were those other times, of course, but in the end, everything was always back on course again.

It was the right thing to do; to give Sam the push she needed. Carly could tell her feelings towards Freddie ever since she met the two of them.

Flashback, March 3rd, 2003

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