iThink I Miss You by ColorsOfTheSky101

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Chapter 4


All his life, he'd been looking for challenges, only to decipher them, to find something more to comprehend. He'd been put in the highest class levels possible. Freddie thought he could solve every complexity thrown at him, given the time.

That was, until Sam Puckett came along. A girl he could never truly understand.

Her actions made no sense to him, as he watched the web show. He knew Sam wouldn't leave iCarly for anything, even donuts. There must've been something going on. He felt so out of the loop.

He also felt it odd that she would say him instead of that guy's Aunt. It must've just been a slip of the tongue; Freddie...Fifi.. Same difference.

Still, something was up. He could tell. And reading her most recent email added even more to his confusion. So he decided to ask her.

TO: ToughCookie101

FROM: FreddieTech87

Date Sent: September 12th, 6:39 PM

Did something happen before iCarly? It didn't seem like you to walk off like that, even for nuts of dough.

Freddie decided not to mention the other incident, as he didn't want to wake up with five broken bones.

Fine, find out whatever you want, but at least try to find out important things (for example - It is NOT important whether or not Carly finds overweight priests awesome). I did find out through iCarly tonight that she likes singers though.

And hey, what happened to not insulting me?

Hope you're ok,



Sam had her laptop on her lap and was sitting downstairs when she received Freddie's email. She opened it, read it over, and rolled her eyes, making it quite clear she wasn't in the mood to answer.

Carly rushed downstairs, spotting her friend, and sat down next to her. "Hey."

"Howdy," Sam answered, popping her fourth donut hole into her mouth. "You know what I don't get? Why they're called donut holes. Wouldn't the big ones with holes in them be called donut holes?"

"That's true." Carly shrugged. "So, hey, what happened up there? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Sam asked, putting on a fake smile just to show Carly, which made her laugh. "Seriously, dude, I was just hungry."

"Yes, you were hungry for donuts right after I asked you if you miss Freddie." Carly said sarcastically. "It's okay if you do, you know." Sam rolled her eyes, as Carly continued, nudging her arm. "Maybe even a little more than I do?"

"Ha, you've got to be kidding me." Sam laughed. "Excuse me while I go find some BBQ chips. You know I've got to have my BBQ!" She got up, but Carly pulled her back down.

"Stop eating to distract yourself from missing our techie!" Carly demanded.

"But I -"


"Can't I just - "


"But he's - "

"Admit it!"

"Fine!" Sam yelled. "Maybe I miss having a geek to boss around, but I don't miss it being Freddie!" She stood back up and walked to the kitchen. "Go get any nerd, and I promise you, the gap would be filled."

"Oh, would it now?" Carly asked, a smirk on her face.

"Heck, yes." Sam cleared up, preparing herself a roast beef sandwich.

"Is anyone crying?!" Spencer yelled from upstairs.

"No!" Carly yelled. "It's safe."

"Good." Spencer jumped down the stairs. "Carly, we've got to go. You promised you'd help me pick paint colors for the meatloaf-toothpaste sculpture!"

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Meat loaf and toothp - "

"You don't wanna know." Carly shuddered. "Wanna come?"

"Not really. I'll just chill here." Sam answered.

"No surprise there!" Carly laughed. "See you later." The door closed, and Sam was alone.

The last thing she wanted to do was help Freddie change into a Jake, but she figured that if she just got her side of the deal out of the way, she would be done with him. The irritating gut feeling would finally go away.

TO: FreddieTech87

FROM: ToughCookie101

Date Sent: September 12th, 7:08 PM

Her favorite color on a guy is green. Her favorite flowers are blue tulips. She likes guys with messy hair, who can sing, who have eyes that "make it seem like he's not telling me something". She doesn't like how Jake isn't all that funny and can't sing, and she doesn't like how you obsess and try too hard. It makes her feel guilty, pressured, turned off - all that good stuff.

Go crazy.


Sam rolled her eyes as she clicked send. The idiot didn't even realize that I already knew all that stuff about Carly...

TO: ToughCookie101

FROM: FreddieTech87

Date Sent: September 12th, 7:17 PM

Okay...thanks. But you didn't answer my first question. Seriously, I'm kind of concerned.



Freddie waited for her answer, but it never came.

Because as soon as Sam's computer received his email, she deleted it, without even opening it.

Good luck with Carly, Freddo. But if it's okay, I'd rather have not any more part in your stupid plan.


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