Seddie Oneshots: 649 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,361
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Hey, Sam," Carly said, entering her bedroom carrying several bags in her arms.

"Where have you been all day?" Sam asked, looking up from the ice cream sandwich loveseat she was lounging on. "I've been here all day by myself!"

"Well since I knew you'd be difficult about the whole thing, I decided to do our dress shopping for the Web Awards banquet myself," Carly said.

"No way!" Sam gasped. "You mean I don't have to spend hours and hours with you in a bunch of snooty stores that smell like perfume and diet soda?"

"That's right," Carly grinned. "Am I the best friend ever or what?"

"Duh!" Sam said, getting to her feet. "This makes me kind of regret taking that twenty bucks from your purse earlier..."


"Nothing," Sam said quickly. "So what'd you get?"

"Well for me, I bought this adorable black dress," Carly said, pulling the item out of one of the bags. "Cute, right? I'm going to wear it with some new wedges I bought and that sparkly necklace my dad sent me from Spain."

"Yeah, you'll look real hot, kid," Sam nodded.

"And for you," Carly continued, rifling through the other bag. "I got this super nice red dress!"

She handed Sam the garment. "Like it?"

"Um, yeah, but isn't it kind of fancy for me?" Sam commented.

"Sam, this banquet is one of the biggest web events of the year!" Carly said. "Everybody who has any sort of web show or blog or newsfeed is going to be there! And we're going to be accepting our award for best short skit; we're supposed to look fancy!"

"Alright, alright," Sam said. "I get it."

"I also bought you some new heels and a strapless bra," Carly said, handing Sam another bag. "Now the sizes at the store where I got the stuff are a little different than normal, so you should try everything on to make sure it fits."

"Okay," Sam said. "Hey, thanks for getting all this stuff without me. I owe you one."
"Well, since the last time we went shopping you tore off a mannequins arm to use as a backscratcher, I figured it was the best bet," Carly chuckled. "Alright, I'm going to go down to the front desk to see if the new purse I ordered online came yet, and then I want to see how all this looks on you. I'll be back in a little bit; don't eat anything while you're wearing the stuff!"

"Ugh! Then hurry back!"

Carly rolled her eyes as she headed out of her room, closing the door behind her. When she got downstairs she saw Freddie just stepping into the apartment.

"Hey, Freddie!" Carly smiled. "Did you pick up your tux for the banquet yet?"

"My mom's spraying tick repellant on it as we speak," Freddie nodded. "But I just came over here because I was wondering if I left my physics book here?"

"Um...yeah, I think it's up in my room," Carly nodded. "Just go grab it. I have to go down and beg Lewbert to tell me if my package arrived."
"Good luck," Freddie chuckled. "He once held on of my deliveries ransom for two week."

"Well he hates you more than me because your mom broke his warty little heart," Carly smirked.

"Good point," Freddie nodded.

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