Seddie Oneshots: 506 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,607
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Wow, look at this place!" Freddie said as him, Sam, Carly and Spencer stepped into the lobby of a beautiful five star resort.

"Yeah, the Web awards sprung for a pretty decent place," Sam said approvingly, her hand laced with his.

"Hopefully this Web awards goes a little better than our last one," Carly said. "You know when we were kidnapped and almost disqualified."

"Don't worry," Spencer said. "I'm not gonna let any of that happen this year. You guys will be safe this time under my careful watch!"

"Dude, you almost got run over coming here," Sam pointed out.

"Well this is London!" Spencer defended. "They drive on the wrong side of the road!"

"Look, Spence, it was sweet of you to come here and protect us from any crazy people, but we are adults now," Carly reminded him. "We're nineteen and we don't really need adult supervision anymore. Why don't you just take some time to yourself to relax and tour the city? London has some great art museums."

"No can do, Carls," Spencer said firmly. "You may be adults, but you're still my little sister and, well, my little sister's friends. Now you're in an unfamiliar country with a ton of people around for these web awards, I just think it would be a good idea to have me around to make sure that nothing happens to you. Hey, wait here while I go check us all in."

Carly waited until her brother had gone off to the front desk before turning to Sam and Freddie. "Well, it looks like he's really not gonna let up. You're gonna have to tell him."

"Ugh, he's gonna freak out!" Sam groaned.

"Well, maybe he won't," Freddie reasoned. "I mean, we are adults, after all."

"Fredwad, Spencer nearly had a meltdown the other day when he caught us making out!" Sam said. "How do you think he's gonna react when we tell him we want to stay in the same hotel room!"

"Yeah, I'm thinking he's probably gonna explode," Carly said.

"Or," Freddie said. "He could be reasonable and accept the fact that Sam and I have been together for over a year now and are in love and want to sleep in the same room together."

"You lost him at 'reasonable'," Carly smirked.

"Maybe we could just not tell him," Sam suggested. "Maybe we can just switch rooms in the middle of the night! Carly, you can take Freddie's spot in the guys room and Freddie can over with me and we'll switch back before Spencer wakes up."

"Come on, that's ridiculous," Freddie said. "Look, Spencer may be a little...weird, but he's an understanding guy."

"Fine," Sam said simply. "Then you tell him."
Freddie's eyes widened. "Me?"

"Yeah," Carly smirked. "It shouldn't be a problem since Spencer's such an understanding guy."

"But that doesn't mean that-"

"Hey, I got out room keys!" Spencer said brightly, rejoining the group. "Carly, Sam, you're in room 454. Freddie, me and you are across the hall in 456."

"Well...I'm gonna go unpack!" Carly said quickly, grabbing her key from her brother.

"Huh, wonder why she's in a rush," Spencer said. He turned to Freddie. "Oh well! Come on, roomie, let's go check out the place!"

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