Love Letters: 7 by gracefulblaze

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Love Letters by gracefulblaze

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Drama
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 1,301
Published: Jun 13, 2013
Updated: Jan 5, 2014


Freddie held Sams hand tightly.

"You're doing great baby. Just think that in a little while, we'll have our own precious little boy."

"Shut up! You are a nub and I hate you for making me go through this- this- this horror!" She yelled back.

"You didn't hate me at the time..." Freddie replied.

"Quiet or I will squeeze your stupid little hand so hard it throws up all the stupid little stuff inside it!" Sam said angrily.

"Alright, Mrs. Benson. A few more pushes." One of the nurses said calmly.

Sam pushed. And pushed again.

"This kid had better be worth it..." She muttered. "Agh!" She screamed.

One of doctors called, "Nurse quickly, she's losing a lot of blood. We need to get her into surgery."

"What's happening? Sam? Hey! What's happening!" Freddie asked urgently.

"Sir, were going to have to ask you to wait outside. We need to operate on your wife to try and save both her and the baby. She's lost too much blood." One of the nurses replied.

"No! I won't leave her. Please, just let me stay!" Freddie was panicking as he looked down at Sam who's eyes were fluttering shut.
"Sam!" He screamed as he was dragged into the hallway.

"Freddie," she mumbled. "I love you..." That was the last thing she said before the anesthesia kicked in and she passed out.
Freddie banged on the door trying to get back inside, desperate to make sure Sam was okay. Finally, after no luck he sat on one of the hard plastic chairs and waited. Over the next four hours, he thought about how excited Sam had been when she found out she was pregnant, and how scared she was that she wouldn't be a good mom. Most of all, he thought about how he couldn't bear to lose her, or the baby he hadn't even met. Just then one of the nurses came out of Sam's room. He stood up immediately.

"Sir, I'm sorry but it doesn't look like there is a very big chance that either your wife or your baby will make it. We'll let you know if anything changes." She walked back inside.
He dropped his head into his hands and started to cry. He couldn't do it. He couldn't bear to lose her. Sam had always had such a strong presence in his life and he couldn't handle living his life without her. His whole body was racked with sobs as he tried to remain hopeful but it was to no avail. He figured he'd better call Carly just in case the worst happened. After managing to compose himself a little bit, he dialed her number. She answered on the first ring.

"Freddie? How's Sam? Am I an aunt yet?" She asked eagerly.

"Carly-" his voice wavered and cracked. "Carly, she had to go into surgery. She lost a lot of blood and the doctors say that her and the baby might not make it." He started crying again. "I don't know what to do. I can't live without her, Carly. I just can't."

"Oh no. Freddie, I'm coming down there. Okay? I'm coming. Don't worry about Sam. You know how tough she is. It'll be okay." Carly hung up and Freddie was alone again.

Fifteen minutes later, Carly came running down the hall.

"Freddie! Are you okay?"

He shook his head quietly. There had been no news yet. Carly put her arms around him.
"It'll be ok. Don't worry." She soothed.

"What about the baby? She was so excited. What if the baby doesn't make it? And what if Sam doesn't but the baby does? What am I supposed to do then? I need her." He said worriedly.

Just as Carly was about to reply, the doctor came out.

"Mr. Benson?"

"What? Is Sam ok? Is the baby okay?" He asked desperately.

"Your wife and baby are both fine. She's in stable condition but she lost a lot of blood. We're going to have her spend a few nights here just to make sure she's completely recovered. And as for your baby, you have a healthy little boy. Congratulations. You can go on in." The doctor smiled.

Freddie ran up and burst into the hospital room that reeked of antiseptics and stuffy air.
"Oh, Sam." He breathed. He ran up to his wife who was laying in the bed, looking absolutely exhausted, and lost control again. His body was wracked with violent sobs as he realized she would be okay. He grasped both her hands and kissed them repeatedly and then bowed his head over them. She ran her fingers through his hair and smiled softly.

"Sam! I thought I was going to lose you! I love you so so much. I need you. I need you." He murmured again and again.

"Freddie." She said quietly. "Shh, Shhh, it's okay. I'm right here. Calm down. It's okay."

She tilted his tear-stained face up towards hers and wiped some tears off his cheeks.
"I didn't know if you would make it, Sam. The doctors- they wouldn't tell me anything. I was so scared." His voice trembled, and in that moment Sams heart broke. All of a sudden it hit her how much she loved Freddie and how important she was to him. A tear trickled down her face as she looked at the man she loved so much in pieces at her feet.
"Hey. I'm here. I'm fine. We're together. And guess what? We have a beautiful little baby that I haven't gotten to hold yet." She said.
Freddie sniffed and stood up. He kissed Sam lightly but passionately on the lips and when they broke apart, a nurse was standing there holding their son. He was freshly cleaned up and wrapped in a blue blanket.

"Here you are Mr. and Mrs. Benson. Your healthy little boy." The nurse said cheerfully handing the baby to Sam's waiting arms.

"Wow." Freddie breathed.

"We made that!" Sam exclaimed softly. "He's perfect."

Freddie nodded. There was a quiet knock at the door. Carly poked her head in.

"Hello? Is everyone alive in here?" Freddie chuckled. "Yes. Thank goodness. Come on in Carly."

"Carls! Look at my baby!" Sam said holding him up proudly.

"Oh my gosh! You guys! He the cutest baby I've ever seen! What's his name?" She cooed.

Sam and Freddie looked at each other.

"Well-" Sam started.

"We kinda didn't really- that is to say..." Freddie continued.

"You didn't decide on a name?! But that's the most important thing! What kind of nubby parents are you?" Carly exclaimed.

"Hey!" Sam protested. "In my defense, I almost died here!"

"Besides, we have it narrowed down to two or three." Freddie added.

"Yeah. We're thinking either Caden, Max, or Samuel." Sam said.

"I kinda like Max." Carly said.

"Me, too." Freddie said.

"All right then, Max it is!" Sam kissed his forehead. Freddie wrapped his arms around his little family and right then, Sam felt more at home then she ever had in her whole life. She felt like just being in her husbands strong arms, meant that nothing could ever hurt them again. Freddie kissed Sam on the back of her head and they both stared at their new son for a long time.

Disclaimer: This is a collection of Seddie oneshots from FanFiction. I do not own anything, all rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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