Obsession by doggodess04

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Obsession by doggodess04

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Humor & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 2,425
Published: Jan 12, 2009


Samantha Puckett was no idiot. So, when it became increasingly clear that she was becoming obsessed with a certain dork's kisses, she did the only thing any normal rebel would do.

She rebelled.

No, it wasn't enough for Sir Dork-A-Lot to have kissed her after making her feel all guilty about saying that stuff about him never having gotten kissed. After that, every single time they blew up at each other, it would end up the same way. And by the same way, she meant him grabbing her arms, shoving her against the nearest wall, and kissing her to within an inch of her life. As Sam trudged up the stairs to the iCarly studio, she remembered the first time it happened.

It was about two weeks after the first kiss on the fire escape. And it was all that she could think about. Even now, after filming their latest episode of iCarly, she kept drifting back to that day.

"Sam," Carly said, poking her friend in an attempt to stop her from drifting off even more.

"Huh- what?"

"You were drifting off again," said Carly, stretching before moving to the door.

"Honestly, I do not know what's been up with you. Or Freddie, for that matter." Her voice echoed back as she left the studio to go down stairs.

Sam looked back after her. She scoffed. She laughed. She sobered up and proceeded to pluck a pillow off the beanbag Carly was sitting on and punched it once. Twice. She sighed then.

"All better," she said as she closed her eyes and let the pillow fall to the ground with a thud.

"You do realize that talking to yourself is one of the first signs of insanity," A voice rang out from across the studio.

Of course he would be here. She groaned before letting her right eye open just a bit.

"But, then again, you're already insane, so I guess my telling you this is a bit too late."

The voice continued on, and was that a tiny smirk on his face?

Sam opened up her eyes completely and voila, there stood Freddork with his legs crossed over and a smirk on his dorky face.

That was a teeny bit handsome, but that was NOT the point.

She heaved herself off the beanbag, refusing his hand when he crossed the room to help her up.

"Leave, Freddork," she commanded. "Leave, or I will."

"Somehow, Sam, I don't quite believe that you want me to."

Dammit, why was he still smirking?

She shoved him.

He caught her wrist.

She brought around her other hand to punch him, to slap him, to do something to him to wipe that smirk off.

He caught her other hand.

Now she was in front of the dork she'd been fantasizing about kissing for the past two weeks with no Carly.

God really hated her.

"Leave me." She grounded out.

"You know Sam, I would. But I do believe that we have some unfinished business to take care of," He said, while relaxing his grip on her hands a tiny bit.

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