iWant Hot Chocolate by December'sRose

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iWant Hot Chocolate by December'sRose

TV » iCarly
Rated: K
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 2,982
Published: Dec 10, 2008


"And with that, we conclude our holiday special of iCarly!" Carly Shay exclaimed into the camera. Freddie Benson grinned as Sam Puckett pressed a button on her favorite remote, which caused riffs of 'Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree' to sound over rigged speakers for a few moments. As the music played, both girls danced to the beat, adorned in elf costumes and Santa hats. The iCarly studio itself had been decorated with festive lights and various holiday trinkets.

"We here at iCarly hope you have a Merry Christmas...!" Sam began as Freddie tilted the camera towards her.

"...a Happy Hanukkah...!" Carly interrupted, with a grin.

"...and a Happy Kwanza!" Both girls shouted at once.

"Happy Holidays from iCarly! We'll catch ya' next time!" Carly finished, waving at the camera as Freddie started backing up to the tech cart. Before he could Sam hopped in front of Carly, with a serious expression.

"Don't forget, people!" She declared, firmly, pointing at her invisible audience. "Contrary to what you might believe, stuffing is not considered finger food!"

Freddie couldn't hold back his laughter. "And we're out." He managed between chuckles.

"Yes! Best holiday episode ever!" Carly cheered as she and Sam hugged.

"You two were hilarious," Freddie complimented. "Great job."

"Thanks, Fredward." Sam grinned, adjusting her Santa hat. Freddie rolled his eyes at the use of his full name but didn't say anything.

Carly just smiled and shook her head at her two best friends. Outside of the huge window snow could be seen falling at a quick pace, thousands of snowflakes liquefying into icy water as they hit the glass.

"Hey Carls, mind if I spend the night? I really don't want to go home in all of that," Sam indicated the weather.

"Normally, I'd say it'd be fine," Carly began, frowning. "But it's Christmas eve. Don't you want to spend the rest of the night with your Mom?"

"And watch her watch 'It's A Wonderful Life' over and over again?" Sam scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Pass."

"Don't you want your Christmas presents tomorrow?" Freddie couldn't help wonder out loud. Though he hadn't known Sam as long as Carly had, he still knew her well enough to know her favorite part of Christmas were the presents. To say that he was surprised when Sam shook her head no would have been an understatement.

"Mom already gave me my gift," Same explained after a second. "Coupons for fifty percent off of my next movie rental."

"Ouch," Freddie muttered. Carly smiled at Sam sympathetically.

"Well, I guess Spencer wouldn't mind you spending the night here. You practically live here anyway," She joked.

"Anyway," Carly continued. "If you stay over you can get my Christmas present to you quicker."

"Aw, cool! You got me something?" Sam exclaimed.

Carly laughed at her obvious, over-eagerness. "Yeah, I did." She said proudly. She and Sam always bought Christmas presents for one another every year.

"I have yours at my apartment, so we can drop by there tomorrow," Sam informed her as she, Freddie, and Carly all stepped into the elevator. Carly nodded her consent as they landed on the first floor, only to be greeted by an over-excited Spencer.

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