I Hate Tuesdays by hyperactivecheskie

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I Hate Tuesdays by hyperactivecheskie

TV » iCarly
Rated: K
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Friendship
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 2,586
Published: Jan 24, 2009


(Hey, I miss you on Tuesdays-)

At 17 years old, I finally have my own car.
It's just an old 1991 Toyota Celica, courtesy of Socko's uncle, Otto, but it's my baby.

Believe it or not, I started my research a year and a half before I was even eligible for a license. I studied car mileage charts, compared the prices of auto insurance, pored over depreciation graphs, and even visited every car repair shop within a 20 mile radius to survey which car had the least expensive maintenance. There was one factor that I didn't think about, though. It's that, now, it is my responsibility to pick up and drop off Carly and Sam wherever they wished.

Last Wednesday morning started off in a rather amusing fashion. I drove by Sam's house to pick her up. Carly was already in the backseat so that she didn't have to transfer.Yeah, the disadvantages of a two-door. Sam usually grumbles a sleepy hello and plops on the front seat, but that day was a bit different. She was uncharacteristically chipper and, instead of opening the passenger side, she walked over to my side and opened my door.

"I want to drive."

My and Carly's eyes both widened. "Are you crazy?" She asked.

"I saw this car movie last night, so I want to drive," She said as she bent over to unbuckle my seatbelt. I brushed her hair away from my face. She pushed me towards the passenger side and I yelped as my hip bone hit the the emergency brake. After much poking, prodding and forcing me into uncomfortable positions, I gave in.

I gave Sam general instructions on adjusting her seat and side mirrors, making sure that she was seeing what she was supposed to. She ignored me and pointed out that she already took driving lessons- which she failed, I might add. In the middle of my warning that sometimes Bianca's left signal doesn't work and that she had to resort to hand signals, Sam thought it would be funny to cut me off. She shifted to reverse, backed up the driveway, and sped out of her street. I hung on to the hand rest, Carly was gripping my shoulders from the back and Sam was honking the horn whenever she saw fit. Boy, were we in for a ride.

Film appreciation is a new experimental elective course they offered in our school. There isn't much to the class. I could get an A even with my eyes closed. Even so, I still try to be a model student and listen to teacher, making sure that I give my full, undivided attention during his lectures. It doesn't usually work because I have a certain Puckett sitting beside me.

It was Thursday, second period, and I was trying to keep awake. Suddenly, I felt her eyes on me as our teacher droned on about dramatic irony. I turned to my right to look at her and grinned when she wagged her eyebrows at me.

"What?" I mouthed.

She glanced at the teacher discreetly to make sure he wasn't looking. Then she threw a crumpled piece of paper on my desk. I opened it and found a rather impressive drawing of our teacher on a ship. Pirates were trying to make him walk the plank as the sharks waited impatiently.

I shook my head and gave her a bewildered look. I wrote a little note on her incredibly random drawing, telling her how everyone deserved a happy ending, then tossed it back. She pursed her lips a little bit and tapped her pen on the table thoughtfully. Then I saw her hurriedly sketch on it. I turned my attention back to our teacher, figuring it would take her a while to draw something new.

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