iShould've Told You by Edio

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iShould've Told You by Edio

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Published: Feb 26, 2009
Updated: Jan 27, 2010

@whoringly ~ First of all, I'd like to thank anyone who bothers to read this note, it means a lot to me.

The next installation of these compilations, one you are about to read, is a work that takes on a very mature and complex subject. As I read this, my eyes have definitely been much more opened to the tragic situation many are experiencing, even right at this very moment.

This is a very beautiful story, that has 12 chapters that I will all post here. The characters, ones we know, will be slightly older and definitely OOC-ish. Don't let that throw you off. It's worth every minute you'll spend reading it.

I hope this story can inspire you, whoever and wherever you are, to do something to help someone, everyday of your life.


Freddie stood in the shower with his forehead resting on the wall. Even with the water set to as cold as he could stand, Freddie still couldn't shake off his drowsiness. He looked right into the shower head and let the cold water hit his face. He was having trouble sleeping for a few weeks. No matter how sleepy he was when he tried to sleep - as soon as his eyes shut, his mind went into overdrive. Thoughts would jump around incoherently, nightmare situations and happy recollections tumbled incessantly through his subconscious. It would force him awake dozens of times at night - covered in sweat - often with just a few minutes sleep in between. Worst thing was... now he knew exactly why.

When he finished showering, he stepped out and wrapped the towel around his waist. He looked blearily at his reflection in the fogged-up mirror. He was much taller and a lot trimmer than he was last year. At seventeen years old now, his chest and stomach were more defined. Secretly, and without really knowing why he wanted to keep it a secret, Freddie had worked out every night with a set of weights he hid under his bed. In the morning he would stand here and flex his muscles at himself like an idiot - but right now, he didn't much care. In the last few weeks, he actually worked out even harder than usual - just hoping he would be too exhausted to think about anything when he went to sleep. It hadn't worked.

He grabbed another towel and stumbled out of the bathroom while rubbing his body and hair dry. A gust of cold air hit the bare skin of his chest and legs. He looked around and was alarmed to find his bedroom window wide open.

"What the f..." he began to mumble.

Beside his ear, he heard someone seductively say, "Hey stud."

"GAAAH!" Freddie jumped and spun around, knocking things of his dresser. They fell to the floor with a loud clatter. "DAMMIT Sam!"

Samantha Puckett grinned back at him with her eyes full of wicked glee.

"Freddie!" Mrs. Benson called out from the kitchen. "Is everything ok?"

"It's fine Mom!" he yelled back as he rushed to lock the door in case she tried to come in. Wide awake now, he glared at Sam who was now sitting on his bed trying not to laugh. "I just stubbed my toe on something!"

"I don't know how many times I've told you to pick up your room Fredward Benson," she scolded. "You can really hurt yourself, you know." Sam mouthed his mother's words at him from the bed.

"I know Mom," whined Freddie.

"Do you want me to come and put some ice on it Freddie-kins? It might bruise if we don't." Sam was failing miserably at not laughing now.

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