Seddie Oneshots: 481 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,294
Published: Dec 5, 2010


Eleven-year old Freddie Benson walked up the eight flights of stairs behind his mother. He was moving into his new home today after his mom had gotten a new job as a nurse at the local hospital.

"Now Freddie, I know you must be very, very scared to be moving into a new environment, but don't worry," his mother said. "I'm going to make sure no icky germs or bacteria finds its way into our new home."

"I'm not really that afraid of germs or anything, mom," Freddie said. "I'm more afraid of not making any friends here."
Marissa gasped. "How can you say you're not afraid of germs? Haven't I raised you right?"

"But mom, they're so small and-"

"That's it, mister! I can see you're already rebelling here!" Marissa said firmly, unlocking apartment 8D. "You're getting a tick bath and then you and I are going to sit and do a nice puzzle!"

"Aw, mom!" Freddie groaned as he followed her into the apartment. "Not another tick bath!"

"Freddie!" Marissa squeaked. "Again with the sass? Maybe this isn't the right apartment building for us after all! Now you wait right here, mister, while I go run your bath!"

Freddie sighed as his mother hurried into the bathtub. His mom's overprotectiveness was beginning to get a little out of hand. But he figured it would stop after a few more years. After all, she couldn't hover over him when he was a teenager and force him to take tick baths forever. She'd back off eventually.

Freddie took advantage of his few moments of freedom and looked around the new apartment. It seemed nice, and he supposed it would look even better when all of the boxes that were scattered around were unpacked.

He turned towards the door and his eyes widened when he saw that it was still open a crack; his mom must've not closed it all the way!

This was the chance of a lifetime. Freddie quickly opened the door fully and stepped back out into the hall and looked around.

I wonder if anyone my age lives here, Freddie thought to himself. Maybe I can finally meet some friends that my mom will let me hang out with and-

"Spencer, I don't think dad will be too happy about you using his credit card to buy all these soda bottles," he suddenly heard a voice say from around the corner. "Why do we need all this soda for anyway?"

"I'm going to make a cool robot sculpture!" another voice said happily. "Wait till you see it; it will totally be worth it. Just, um, don't mention this when dad calls, Carly. And tell him I'm still doing great in law school!"

And right the two people turned down the hall, and Freddie saw who was talking.

One of them was a tall adult who was carrying a bunch of bags filled with soda liters, wearing a tie-dyed t-shirt. And standing next to him was a small brunette girl who looked to be about his age.

"But I don't want to lie to dad!" the girl said.

"Carly, Carly, Carly," the man chuckled. "Would I, the wise adult in charge of you, ask you to lie? Just don't say anything! That's not lying!"

"I don't think-" the girl began, but then she caught sight of Freddie. "Hi!" she said brightly.

"H-Hi," Freddie said.

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