iThink I Miss You by ColorsOfTheSky101

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Chapter 3


TO: ToughCookie101

FROM: FreddieTech87

Date Sent: September 12th, 2:15 PM


I never thought I'd say this, but...Thank you, Sam. Wow, that's something you don't hear everyday. Usually, it's "Stop the wedgie, Sam!" or "Sam, give me back my (insert any food here)!"

So, we've got a week, huh? It's Tuesday, and I'll be visiting next Tuesday, September 19th. Do you think that gives you enough time?

I've assembled an organized list of what you need to find out about Carly:

One, Her favorite color on a guy

A. Blue? Green? Polka dots?

Two, Her favorite flower

A. Roses? Tulips? A boy needs to know these things.

Three, What she likes in a guy

A. Besides intestines of course.

Four, imperfections about Jake that bother her

A. For example, if he were to be a secret ballerina or garbage man, which quite frankly, I expect.

Five, imperfections about me that bother her

A. I know what you're going to say so don't even.

I'd prefer if I got all this information by the 17th, so I can prepare. Meanwhile, good luck with iCarly tonight.



TO: FreddieTech87

FROM: ToughCookie101

Date Sent: September 12th, 5:24

Okay dude, I'm gonna make this quick because iCarly starts soon. Here's an "assembled, organized list" for you. There are two things that I never do: Listen to instructions and take orders from geekatrons.

I'll find out whatever I want to about Carly, by whenever I feel like it. And you'll agree with me.

But I can answer Five for you...everything. Don't care if you knew it was coming, it's too funny to pass up.

Okay, Carly's yellin'. Cya.



"In Five! Four! Three! Two!" Spencer pointed dramatically at Sam and Carly as the camera went live and the web cast began.

"Look, a camera!" Carly said. "Shall we scream into it, Sam?"

"I believe we should." Sam agreed, and the two girls stepped forward and screamed into the camera.

"Ow! Scream more quietly next time!" Spencer groaned, and they laughed.

"Why did we scream, you ask?" Carly said to their potential audience. "Tell 'em Sam!"

Sam approached the camera. "'Cause we wanted to. Welcome to iCarly!" She hit the middle button on her remote and applause erupted. As soon as it died down, Carly continued.

"Now, before we start with our daily antics, just thought I'd announce..." Carly paused as Sam hit the second button from the top and "iAmerican Idol!" appeared in big sparkly letters.

"Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh ahhhhhh!" Carly and Sam sang the theme song to American Idol.

"Yep, that's right! iAmerican Idol!" Carly said with a smile.

"Imspired by American Idol, Spencer's favorite show!" Sam joked.

"Untrue statement!" Spencer barked from behind the camera. "My favorite's Dancing With The Stars!...I mean, um, wrestling. And football."

"Anyway," Carly laughed. "We're having a singing contest next week. So all you Kelly Clarkson's out there -"

"And even all you William Hung's!" Sam added.

"Send us a video and we'll pick the top ten best and top ten funniest to come right here, to our studio, and compete!" Carly finished. "Remember, guys...A girl can't resist a guy who can sing. I know I can't!"

"Just go to for more info!" Sam narrowed her eyes. "Or else..."

"She's kidding." Carly laughed.

"But how scary did it sound?" Sam pointed out.

"So, to start off the day, here's a video sent in by Karl from Wisconsin." Carly cued Spencer and he turned the clip on.

The clip was of a tall, skinny boy with black glasses making a 10 foot tall card for his Aunt Fifi in Mexico. But then the gigantic card fell on him.

"Wow, that was something, wasn't it, Sam?" Carly laughed.

"Why yes it was, Carly." Sam answered. "I bet that Karl really misses Freddie. I know I would!"

"Yeah, I -" Carly stopped and turned to Sam. "Wait, did you just say Freddie?"

Sam froze. She had. Why had she? Spencer, Carly, and all of America, and possibly some other countries' eyes were on her. She had to think fast.

"Um, nope!" Ahe covered up. "Anyway, um, Carly, why don't you go get the peanut butter for the next segment. I'll get the pudding..."

The rest of the show went on as normal, although some would say Sam seemed a bit distracted. Soon enough, the show was coming to a close.

"Alritey, guess we're done." Sam started.

"Looks like it." Carly agreed. "But I just wanted to send a shout-out to our previous techie Freddie! We miss you! Right, Sam?"

Sam looked at the camera, then Carly. "You know what? I'm gonna go get some donuts." And she walked into the elevator. Carly watched as it closed.

"Um, and that's a wrap?" Spencer turned off the camera and Carly went to go find Sam.

Meanwhile, a way away, Freddie was tuned in to the show. His mouth hung open in confusion and shock as it ended.


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