Seddie Oneshots: 653 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Published: Dec 5, 2010
Updated: July 24, 2015


"Hey, kiddo," Spencer said as he let himself into his apartment, carrying a bag of groceries. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just prepping for iCarly tonight," Carly said, looking up from her laptop. "Did you buy anything for dinner or should I plan on ordering in?"

"Okay, um, see, I was going to buy us some chicken for dinner," Spencer explained. "But then I saw this amazing new brand of pudding! Look!"

He pulled several containers of pudding out of his bag. "It's rainbow colored!"

"So we're supposed to eat colorful pudding for dinner?" Carly smirked, amused.

"I don't see why not."

"Well, looks like it's Chinese food again," Carly sighed. "You cool with the usual egg rolls and chicken fried rice?"

"Sure, just don't let Sam eat all the egg rolls like last time," Spencer said. "Hey...where is Sam? Oh, probably making out with Freddie, right? You know, I'm glad those two finally got together but they really need to learn to cool it with the PDA! A couple days ago I walked in on-"

"Wait...did you not hear?" Carly frowned.

"Hear what?"

"Sam and Freddie broke up," Carly told him.

"What?' Spencer gasped. "No! When? How? Give me the deets!"

"I don't have the deets!" Carly said. "All I know was from the text Sam sent me this morning. She just sent me 'Hey, FYI, the nub and I broke up last night'. I've been texting her and calling her all day but I can't get anything else out! And I tried going over to Freddie's but he's being just as unresponsive!"

"But they were so good together," Spencer moaned.

"I know," Carly agreed. "I mean, yeah, they were fighting, but they were also really sweet with each other and made the other happier than I've ever seen."

"Yeah, there were way better than Jenna and I were," Spencer said.

"Oh, right, how are you doing without her?" Carly asked. "You still feeling bummed?"

"No, I realized our relationship was getting kind of creepy," Spencer said. "Sure, she was super hot. Well, ridiculously hot, really, but your date should never try to cut your steak into tiny pieces or hide the scissors from you. But Sam and Freddie never had those problems! So why'd they break up?"

"Well maybe tonight after iCarly I can get some answers out of them," Carly sighed. "I just hope they'll be okay to be in the same room together. Oh man...what if it was a really bad break-up? What if they go back to not being able to stand being in the same room with each other? What if-"

Just then the front door opened and Sam walked in.

"Hey," she smiled, tossing her jacket onto the floor by the coat rack. "Oh sweet! Is that rainbow pudding?"

"Sam, I've been calling you all day!" Carly exclaimed. "You can't just text me that you and Freddie broke up and then give me no more explanation!"

"What's there to explain?" Sam shrugged. "We're not together anymore. It's pretty simple."

"Well what happened? Are-Are you okay?" Carly asked gently. "Do we need to have a girl's night or something?"
"God no," Sam said, rolling her eyes. "Look, it-it's really not a big deal, okay? It was a mutual thing. Well, clearly I did more of the breaking up than he did. But we just decided that we were too different. So while we were taking the elevator down we decided it was best to just quit while we were ahead."

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