Seddie Oneshots: 503 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,849
Published: Dec 5, 2010

@whoringly ~ Lovely cover on the media by zelicity. ♥


"Can you believe it?" Spencer said angrily, shaking his head as he pushed aside a large cardboard box. "Granddad sends you massaging pillow with a speaker in it, and he sends me-"

"A dictionary," Carly chuckled, holding up the large book.

"Yeah, what is that about?" Spencer said.

"I dunno, maybe it's his subtle way of telling you to go back to law school," Carly shrugged.

"Well he can send all the dictionaries he wants, I'm never going back to that place," Spencer said firmly. "They were mean there!"

Carly rolled her eyes. "You fell asleep in all your classes. What did you expect?"

"I didn't even know they still made these things," Spencer mumbled, looking down at his dictionary. "Who looks up words with this now? Everyone knows you can just look up any word on your phone now."

"Well some people still like to use them," Carly reasoned.


"I dunno, the elderly?" Carly said. "Anyway, I'm gonna go upstairs. Sam, Freddie and I are gonna hang out in the studio and watch the ninth season of Toddlers Gone Wild. Believe it or not, that show's really addicting."

"Fine, I'll just sit here and read the dictionary!" Spencer said, bitterly opening the book. "Aardvark! Boy, this is a real page turner already!"

Carly headed up to the iCarly studio where Sam and Freddie were waiting for her.

"Hey, check out this cool new pillow Granddad just sent me," Carly said, walking into the room. "It's one of those fancy ones that-oh come on!"

As she stepped into the studio, she spotted her two friends cuddled very close on one beanbag, so engrossed in their heavy make-out session they didn't even notice her.

"Guys!" Carly said loudly. "You guys!"

But still, neither heard her, or at least made no effort to stop.

Letting out a frustrated groan, Carly stomped over to the couple and literally pulled their heads apart on her own.

"Hey!" Sam said indignantly. "What was that for?"

"Yeah, Carly, there's a thing called boundaries," Freddie said, massaging his head.

"Well excuse me for interrupting you guys as you grope each other in my house!" Carly snapped. "What? I leave for ten minutes and you two can't keep your tongues out of each other's mouths?"

"Well we got bored!" Sam defended. "What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is I don't like walking in on you two all the time!"

"Come on, it's not all the time," Freddie said.

"No? Today alone I've had to walk in on you two four times," Carly said. "And at least twenty times this whole week! Look, I'm happy for you two in your relationship and blah, blah, blah, but I'm sick of having to see everything."

"Then close your eyes," Sam shrugged.

"Sam..." Freddie said, rolling his eyes at his girlfriend. He turned to Carly. "Look, we're sorry. Sam and I promise we won't be as...hands-on with our relationship around here."

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