24 Hours by Gabsikle

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Chapter 16


4:00 PM

Freddie had no idea where to start. How would he go about stealing an entire outfit? And why did Carly insist on him and Gibby getting new pants and shoes? They were just going to a stupid club. Also, why did Sam not even hesitate when she said Freddie would be her date to the club?

"I don't like what Carly wants me to wear," Gibby said. "It's not my style."

"Well, I'm pretty sure they won't let you in if you're not wearing a shirt."

"Hey! I rarely take my shirt off at random moments these days."

"Oh, yeah. You know, I kinda miss that."

Gibby looked shocked. "I didn't know that. You think Carly misses it?"

Freddie shrugged. "Probably."

Freddie looked through all the button down shirts and finally decided on a black one. Gibby grabbed a white one.

"You know what you could do?" Freddie said to Gibby.


"Wear that shirt and get a black vest to put on over it. And you can get some fancy pants instead of jeans."

"Wow, Freddie. When'd you become a fashionista?"

He shoved Gibby. "I am not!"


They moved on to pants. Gibby got some nice black dress pants. Freddie got an average pair of jeans.

"T-shirt and vest time?" Gibby asked.

"Why not?"

Freddie's shirt was white with a black and red guitar on it. Gibby got a simple black vest.

They made their way over to shoes.

"Can I help you?" A girl their age asked. She was focused on Freddie. She acted like Gibby didn't exist.

"We're fine," Freddie told her. He walked away.

"Dude," Gibby said, "That girl totally wants you."

"What? No," Freddie said as he took a pair of black Converses off the shelf.

"She can be your random stranger."

Freddie glanced at the girl. When they made eye contact she smiled widely. Freddie smiled back then looked away. He honestly had no desire to make out with this girl.

Gibby picked up a pair of black loafers. "Maybe she can help us get away with shop lifting. All you'll have to do is make out with her."


Sam and Carly had just stolen their fancy underwear. Carly's were satin and white. Sam went with black and lacey.

"Why is underwear important?" Sam asked.

"Sexy underwear helps you feel sexy," Carly said, like it was something every girl but Sam knew.

Carly's phone beeped. "A text from Gibby."

"Yay?" Sam could really care less.

"Oh my," Carly said. "You're not going to like this."


"Freddie's making out with a stranger in one of the storage-type rooms."

Sam growled. "Ask if she's hot."

Carly did as she said. Gibby quickly responded. "He says she's very hot."

"Where are they?" Sam asked, trying not to freak out."

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