24 Hours by Gabsikle

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Chapter 19


7:00 PM

"Hot damn. This place is fancy," Sam said when they sat down.

"I feel kinda bad about this whole thing," Freddie said. "I mean, we'll be stopping them from making money."

"Don't you dare flake out on us, Fredloser."

Freddie began to jiggle his legs nervously. "I won't."

"Freddie, if I'm gonna go through with it, you have to, as well." Carly said.

"Can you guys please have a little faith in me?"

"I have faith in you," Gibby said.

"Because you're a good friend," Freddie told Gibby. "Unlike those two."

Sam stuck her tongue out at him. Freddie did the same in response.

"Hello." The four looked up at their waitress. She appeared to be only a little older than them. "I'm Gemma and I'll be your server this evening. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

Carly and Gibby got water. Sam got a root beer, and Freddie a Peppy Cola.

"Okay. I'll be right back with those, and some bread."

"Excuse me, Miss!" Some fat bald man at another said to Gemma. "There's something floating in my water. And my wife's fork is dirty."

"I'm so sorry," Gemma said. She took the fork and the water. "I'll get this taken care of."

"You better," Fat Bald Man snapped.

"There was nothing wrong with the fork and water," Freddie said.

"He's just pissy because he's all fat and ugly with no hair," Sam said.

"Don't let that bitter man ruin our evening," Carly told them.

Freddie and Sam watched as their waitress gave Fat Bald Man a new glass of water, and his ugly wife a new fork.

"Took you long enough," Ugly Wife said with a nasty tone.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. I'll be quicker next time."

She came to their table, handed them their drinks, and put down the bread. "Are you ready to order your appetizers?"

"I would like stuffed mushrooms," Sam said, "And a bowl of lobster bisque soup."

"I think I'll get escargot," Gibby said.

"Snails?" Sam asked. "Really, Gibby?"

"I've always wanted to try it."

"I'll get French onion soup," Carly said, interrupting Sam before she could say something rude.

"I'll have shrimp cocktail," Freddie said.

"Miss!" Fat Bald Man called. "Could you please come here? I believe our bread is moldy."

Gemma sighed. "I'll be right over."

"He is such a douche," Sam said with disgust. "I know I'm not the most polite person, but I know you don't piss off the people who handle your food."

"True," Freddie agreed. "They could spit in it."

"Or worse," Carly added.

Freddie was feeling like a bad person. Their waitress was going through so much shit, and on top of it all, they wouldn't be paying her. It was probably going to be the worst day ever for the poor girl.

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