iLie by konfusion

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iLie by konfusion

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 2,278
Published: Nov 2, 2009


Sam Puckett smiled as she calmly walked up the stairs leading to the floor Carly's apartment was on. She had devised the perfect plan to get back at her nubbish friend, Freddie Benson, for handcuffing her to Gibby for the second time. She thought he had learned the first time, considering she ruined her life and all, but it seems he figured he would try to get her back for putting peanut butter in his computer's hard drive. Sam didn't see what the big deal was, but apparently, Freddie played to win as well.

But that couldn't happen, no. Mama always wins. And Mama was going to win with this new prank she had hatched up in that devilish mind of hers.

She had decided to get Freddie back in the worst way possible. Worse than breaking his arm in half, worse than spilling his secret on a live webcast on iCarly, worse than ham spoiling.

She was going to blow his mind. He would be totally freaked out and she would watch with interest as he slowly broke down before her eyes. And then, right when he was getting completely paranoid, she would laugh right in his face. She would be victorious. Mama played to win.

When she opened the door to the Shay's apartment (she didn't need to knock, of course), she wasn't surprised to see Freddie already there. Her smile widened as her prank became that much easier. She was glad she didn't have to go through the trouble of dragging him out of his apartment.

He was sitting on the couch on his laptop, the one that Sam didn't destroy with peanut butter. She walked past him, her blonde curls bobbing up and down with every step.

"Freddie," She said while walking past. He looked up from his computer, giving her a questioning look. She never calls me Freddie... He thought to himself. This puzzled him. Shouldn't she be calling him 'Freddiot' or 'Freddork'? He did handcuff her to Gibby again...he didn't expect her to be kind to him at all. He expected that she would punch his face in.

Sam smiled as she was she was causing him so much confusion. "Hey Carls, got any food?" She said, plopping down next to the brunette. Carly smiled and sighed, and pointed to the fridge. Sam took this gesture meaning that she could have anything she wanted, and she gladly accepted this kind offer.

Her mouth overflowing with food, she walked over to where Freddie was sitting and sat down next to him, closer than she normally would have. It's all part of the plan, she said to herself, smiling inwardly as he scooted away from her. She ignored this and turned to him.

"So Freddie," She said, her mouth still full. Freddie's face wrenched into disgust as he saw pieces of slobbery, chewed-up ham slide a bit out of her mouth. She sucked it back in and continued chewing. She swallowed before she decided to continue. "There's something I need to tell you," She said seriously, her face displaying no hint that this was all a trick. Freddie looked up from his laptop, curiosity burning in his eyes. He shut the laptop and set it aside.

"And what would that be, Princess Puckett?" He asked. "Did you set my bed on fire? Did you photoshop a picture of me to make it look like I was in a dress and posted it on the internet? Did you glue the pages in my history book together? Enlighten me, Sam. What did you do to make my life hell?" He continued, taking a sip from the water glass next to him.

"I would never do any of that, Freddie, not after what I realized..." She trailed off. She was proud of her performance; she was pulling this off really well.

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