24 Hours by Gabsikle

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24 Hours by Gabsikle

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Friendship
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Published: Aug 21, 2010
Updated: Oct 30, 2010


[ lengthy multi-chap ]

1:00 AM

Freddie was in his room, updating his blog on iCarly. It was mid-July, the summer before his senior year of High School. He knew that the coming school year was going to be stressful. He'd have to keep his grades up so that all the colleges he applied to would still want him. Then his mom would be doing a full background check on every school. He also had to think of Sam and Carly.

They all wanted to go to school near each other, but they really wanted to go to the same school. So Freddie had to limit his choices to where Carly wanted to go, and to where Sam was able to go.

Sam. Freddie had been waiting for that girl to call him for a good half hour. All summer she had been calling him around twelve-thirty to relieve her boredom. And though he would never tell her, it relieved his boredom too. Carly enjoyed her sleep, so he couldn't hang out with her at this hour. In fact, the only time he was at the Shay place at this time of night was when Sam was over.

Finally, Sam called.

"Hey, Sam," Freddie said when he answered.

"Yo, Fredlumps. Listen. Me and the Gibster are heading over right now."

"What are you doing with Gibby?" Freddie wanted to know. Why would she be out with Gibby so late at night?

"You'll find out when we get there. Now, before I hang up, I have a mission for you."


"You have to wake up Carly."

"Why me?" Carly can get very mean when someone wakes her up. She's almost as bad as Sam.

"Because I have to deal with a crying Gibby."

"Gibby's crying? Is he okay? Did he get hurt?"

"Freddie, just shut up and do as I say. We'll handle it when I get there." She hung up.

Freddie sighed. He really wasn't looking forward to waking the bear.


Carly was woken from a wonderful dream by someone knocking on her door.

"Go away, Spencer!" She yelled, groaning in annoyance.

"It's not Spencer."

Carly sat up. "How'd you get in my place, Freddie?"

"You and Spencer never lock the door. Now will you let me in or not?"

Carly reluctantly got out of her bed. She walked to her door and unlocked it. "Come in," she said to her friend, icily.

Freddie walked in cautiously. "Sam commanded me to wake you up."

Of course, Carly thought. These days, all Sam had to do was say jump, and Freddie would do it. Carly knew what was going on. Freddie had developed a little crush on Sam. It all had started when Freddie began tutoring Sam at the beginning of their junior year. Carly wanted Sam to pass her SATs, and not fail any classes so they could maybe go to the same college. Carly began to notice that Freddie had started to look at Sam differently. It was kind of a look of adoration. She also noticed how much Freddie had hated the two guys Sam dated during the school year. And they were really nice guys. There was no reason to hate them. Unless jealousy was involved.

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