Seddie Oneshots: 501 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,846
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Hey, so I made the reservations for our date night Saturday," Freddie said, hanging up his Pearphone. "We're going to be feasting on hundred dollar lobsters in exactly three days."

"Sweet," Sam grinned. "I plan on ordering three or four."

"Well then I hope you don't mind not having heat in this place for a couple months," Freddie smirked, sitting down next his girlfriend and wrapping his arms around her as he gave her a quick kiss. "Hey, you feeling any better from this morning?"

"Yeah, I feel fine," Sam nodded. "I think I just puked from all those s'mores I ate last night."

"I told you that eating a dozen would make you sick," Freddie said, rolling his eyes.

"You tell me a lot of things, doesn't mean I have to listen," Sam said simply.

"You never do," Freddie said, kissing her again. "Hey, have I told you how sexy you look right now?"

"Yeah, I think you've mentioned it five times at least this last hour," Sam chuckled. She gave him a quick peck. "Sorry, baby, not tonight. I'm really tired and I was about to head to bed."

"Okay," Freddie nodded. "You sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I just had a long day," Sam told him. "We had to finish up a bunch script edits at work and Carly and I had to work through lunch."

"Aw, well go get some rest," Freddie told her. "I'll try not to wake you tomorrow morning. I need to be into work a couple hours early to finish up some updates on a new app."

"Night," Sam yawned, getting to her feet. "Love you."

"Love you too," Freddie smiled, giving her one last kiss.


The next morning Sam woke up as her alarm blared on her bedside table. She slammed her fist down on the clock and slowly sat up.

True to his word, Freddie hadn't woken her up when he left that morning. Sam looked over to his side of the bed which, as usual, was neatly made up.

For a moment she simply sat there, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

And then, all of the sudden, a wave of nausea hit her and she threw her sheets off her as she bolted to the adjoining bathroom, reaching the toilet just in time as she began to vomit into the bowl.

"Ugh, again?" Sam moaned, pulling back her hair. "I didn't eat anything bad yesterday! Dang it! I must be getting sick! I better not still be puking on Saturday...there's no way I'm missing that lobster."

Sam slowly got to her feet and rinsed her face and dressed for work.

When she arrived at her and Carly's shared office, she was still feeling a bit sick, but she felt much better than she had when she woke up.

"Hey," Carly greeted her, looking up from her laptop. "You're not gonna believe this. You know all those edits we made to those scripts yesterday?"

"Yeah," Sam nodded, shrugging out of her jacket. "What about them?"

"Well they never got sent in!" Carly said.

"What?" Sam exclaimed. "So you mean we did all that work for nothing?"

Serendipity (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora