The Nicest Thing by xmaybejoleisa

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The Nicest Thing by xmaybejoleisa

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Angst & Romance
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 4,509
Published: May 4, 2009


You're fifteen years old and you think no one can break your heart like he does.

He stares at you in annoyance, and you enjoy this so much. You love intervening with insulting jabs in the midst of any conversation he's a part of.

It makes you feel alive, makes you feel like he's actually aware of your presence. You smile more to yourself, this sensation of euphoria taking over; maybe having control over the situation is getting to your head or something, but you just don't care.

"Can you not?" he asks through his teeth testily.

You smirk at him, ignoring the sharp pang that washes over you at his clear irritation. After all, you take what you can get. That's just the sort of person you have to be.

"Because you don't want me to?" you scoff, "Please Fredward, have you learned nothing yet?" You cluck your tongue mockingly.

He rolls his eyes, giving up like always, and turning back towards Carly to resume the previous conversation.

Your smile falters for a second, but as quickly as it comes, it goes, and you're back to being indifferent, non-caring Sam again.

"Does Freddie kiss you a lot?" It comes out of your mouth before you can stop yourself and you regret it as soon as it does.

Carly looks at you curiously, her serious face breaking out into an amusing smile. "Well considering, we've been going steady for three months now, yes that's kind of part of the whole idea, isn't it?"

She stares at you expectantly, still not sure how else to respond to the direct question.

You gulp down, "No, I mean, like kiss you, in that sort of way."

She raises an eyebrow suggestively and starts to giggle, "Well, wouldn't you like to know?"

She pauses, thinking about her previous statement, "Actually I'm guessing you wouldn't, considering you're always telling me how you disgusting you think it is that I'm with him."

You fake a smile and nod your head, and she's back to complaining about how her English professor is so frustrating with grading papers.

You'll never tell her, but you would like to know if he kisses her in that way.

He's never kissed you like that and he probably never will.

He gets accepted for some computer engineering program in some prestigious Ivy School in Philadelphia.

He doesn't call to tell you. No, you have to find out from Carly. You pretend that it doesn't bother you.

And when you finally see him at Carly's apartment right after the news, you pretend it doesn't affect you that he doesn't even feel guilty about not telling you personally about the great news.

You try to be brave. You try to congratulate him, but the simple, muffled word is lost amidst all the celebration.

He's all smiles and excitement and he stares at Carly with so much happiness; his eyes dancing. The two of them are jumping around the sofa.

You sit there with a carton of ice cream from Carly's freezer and watch from afar.

You think somewhere along the way he stopped just being that computer geek meets boy-next-door meets arch enemy of yours.

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