24 Hours by Gabsikle

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Chapter 14


2:00 PM

While Carly was walking, the alarm on her phone went off. It was time for her to call the restaurant and make reservations. Carly gave them a call and made reservations for seven o'clock. After she hung up, she decided it was time to head back to the hotel.

Unfortunately, the walk didn't clear her mind, like she wanted it to. She still had all these confusing thoughts about Gibby. She couldn't like him. He had just broken up with Tasha and he was her friend. A relationship could ruin things. She stopped walking. She suddenly understood Sam's fears about Freddie. Crap.

Carly groaned and screamed "Why?!" at the top of her lungs.

"You okay, Carly?" A person said.

Carly turned around. It was Gibby. "Um. I'm fine. Kinda. Uh. I guess I'm a little paranoid about the whole dine and dash thing? I just made the reservations."

Gibby nodded. "Yeah. I'm worried about that too. So, why are you out here?"

"I needed a walk after my nap. You?"

"I needed a walk too. I had the weirdest dream."

"For real?"


"I had a weird dream too!"

Gibby smiled. "That's ironic. Care to talk about it?"

"Not really. You wanna talk about yours?"

"Well, I'll tell you that we were all mermaids."

Carly laughed. "You would have a dream like that."

"I killed a Kraken."

"Go, Gibby."

They started to walk back to the hotel. Then Gibby remembered something. "Sam and Freddie were married in my dream."

"Awesome!" They reached the hotel room door. Carly went to swipe the card, but paused.

"What?" Gibby asked.

"They wouldn't be, like, getting it on in there, would they?"

Gibby laughed. "See? You know it could happen."

"Shut up!"

"They're probably still asleep."

Carly sighed and unlocked the door. They weren't asleep. Carly heard the shower running. Sam's hair was wet, and she was on the phone. Freddie's phone.

"He's not dead, Mrs. Benson," Sam said. "I know he said he'd text you... We fell asleep... Meaning Carly and Gibby, too... We're at Gibby's grandpa's cabin..." Sam sighed. "Freddie's in the shower... Obviously, I'm not in there with him! What's wrong with you?... It's obvious because I'm on the phone with you, and not in the shower... Gibby and Carly just got in... They went for a walk..." Whatever Mrs. Benson said made Sam gasp. "How dare you assume that?... No you don't!... So what?... He's allowed to talk to me on the phone... I don't care that it's at night... Would you rather I sneak into his room?... That's what I thought... Listen, woman. I'll tell him you called then you can yell at him about this chiz." Sam hung up.

"What was that about?" Carly asked.

Sam stood up and pointed violently at Carly and Gibby. "I've got beef with you two."


Sam was furious. She had been perfectly fine until Mrs. Benson's call. Where'd she come up with the idea that she and Freddie were having sex?

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